Spontaneous Workout
All the world’s a stage gym.
Last Thursday, I didn’t plan to workout. I had already gotten in a good workout the day before but then I saw this…
…like a crazy woman thankfully the kettlebells were still in the car
The Workout
10 Kettlebell Snatches (5 right, 5 left)
4 Flights of Stairs
Repeat 10x.
This was probably one of my favorite workouts of all time. Seriously. It was invigorating and I’m pretty sure I felt my butt shrink. I hit a personal record, 100 snatches with the 16K (35lb) bell. Plus, there was a pretty sweet view from the top even though it was cloudy. Something about seeing nature motivates me. It makes me feel alive and connected to something greater than myself.
Hugs and High Fives,
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As much as I hate stairs, they really do make you feel alive. You can look back down and see the accomplishment you just made. How’d your butt feel the next few days?
You know my butt didn’t get that sore but my CALVES were a different story Seriously today is the first day they weren’t screaming. At night I woke up a few times thinking I had charlie horses in my calves only to realize they were just sore.
great job on what sounds like an awesome workout!
Congratulations. Your post reminds me I need to understand what kettlebells are
When I was at home this past spring, I ran stairs a lot. I loved it! I may need to go to the middle school and do that this afternoon…if it isn’t raining!
<3 it!!! who needs a gym?!?! high five girlie!
Thats awesome… I’m in Week 4 of a KettleWorx program as my first introduction to kettle Bells and I love them. I see these as being a part of my fitness program for years to come.
Keeping them in the Trunk is a good idea – I am away alot of weekends this summer and my laptop plays my kettleworx dvd’s and I can set up anywhere.
As for spur of the moment activity – I went for a 2 walks yesterday totaling probably around maybe 4-5 miles – one included my wife who wasn’t planning to walk but she was glad she did after.
That’s awesome Jeff. Glad to hear someone else is falling in love with the bells.
WOooooohoooo! Glad you had a great workout!!
Anytime there’s an ocean view it makes exercising so much better! Just being outside makes a workout better! Too bad Vegas has hit the 100 mark and won’t be going down for the next couple months!
Is it weird that when I read you did the stairs that many times, it made my butt hurt thinking about it? You’re right though, that stairs are such a great workout. The burning in my thighs and butt is always hell in a good way.
He he!!! That’s funny!
I love impromptu – I get them hourly – with a two year old:) seriously – the stairs are awesome. You go girl!!!
Awesome!!! How long did it take you to complete?
I didn’t time myself but I think it took about 20-25 minutes.
I literally start to drool big drips of saliva down my chin when I see a stair case. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE me the stairs! You and I have a very similar way of looking at the world at large and somehow seeing a workout
Good on you!
That’s one of the reasons I think we clicked so well. Our first meet up was a workout on the beach.
PS. I forgot to CONGRATULATE you on the 100 X 35- my shoulder just splintered into 40 pieces reading about it, but I’m very happy that you accomplished that!
Thanks Debs!