Adventures in Food and Fitness
Hi guys! I hope you are doing well. I still haven’t found the time to edit my last workout video so I thought I’d talk about my current workout and eating habits. Because that’s exciting, right. 😉
In my last post, I mentioned that living on the road in and of itself is challenge enough and I don’t need to add any more challenges to my life. I’m learning a entirely new way of life. I can’t go to the same grocery stores week to week. I gave away a number of appliances I used to use. Unlike California, the weather is unpredictable making it tough to workout. The RV is small so cooking meals and working out inside is challenging but certainly not impossible. Before we set out, I thought I would have lots of free time but the reality is I have very little. We do school in the morning and then explore in the afternoon. Sometimes we explore all day and then do school in the evening. We’ve also driven almost 8000 miles since we left in late October and, due to motion sickness, I can’t do much reading or writing during that time. Not to mention eating on driving days proves difficult with fast food always being a temptation. We’ve managed to eat very little fast food but I don’t care if I ever eat another turkey sandwich again. All this to say that I’ve had a number of things to adapt to and it took me a little longer than I expected.
I hope I don’t’ sound like I’m complaining. These are all “challenges” I’m more than happy to take on because I’m living one of my dreams. Yes, living on the road is a challenge but it’s also amazing. Amazing in the truest sense. But there are some facts to consider as I continue to learn and adapt to this new way of life.
Fact – I’m a sugar addict.
Fact – Sugar does nothing good for me. Not only is it related to a host of health problems it contributes to depression, a struggle of mine.
Fact – We are seeing hundreds of new places and trying the food is part of the experience. I don’t want to miss out. (Ahem…beignets in New Orleans.)
Fact – It’s important to me to support sustainable and healthful farming practices, i.e., grass fed meats, organic vegetables, local farms, ect.
Fact – I don’t want to go back to Ventura in a year or two (we are already considering doing year two) having gained a lot of weight. Some is fine but not a lot. I don’t have “skinny girl genes”. I don’t like the word skinny but you know what I mean. I have to be mindful of my food and exercise or I’ll end up overweight. I don’t want that.
Fact – I feel slightly self-conscious filming my videos. As you can see I’m NOT fat but I’m not as lean as I was. People can be really harsh and it makes me nervous especially on YouTube although I haven’t had anyone say anything mean yet.
Fact – This is a biggie. I have my RCK re-certification coming up in a few months. This means I have to re-pass all the certification requirements including the snatch test. The snatch test is 100 snatches in 5 minutes with the 12k (26.5 lb) kettlebell if I weigh less than 124 pounds. Otherwise, I have to use the 16K (35 lb) kettlebell. Since giving away my scale I have no idea what I weigh. I know it’s more than 124 but not sure by how much. (I don’t *think* it’s a lot) Which means I either have to lean out a bit or train to use the 16K but I have an injured shoulder right now. I don’t think it would be wise to use that much weight on my shoulder especially doing the explosive ballistic movements like the snatch.
Fact – I like feeling strong. It lifts my spirits and makes me appreciate my body on a deeper level despite its “imperfections”. Bottom line is being strong is good for me emotionally and physically and I’m not as strong as I was before we left.
My Solution
So considering all the “facts” of my life I have come up with a livable solution.
Food – We eat the majority of our meals at home so those meals will continue to be nourishing foods. I haven’t and don’t plan to buy any processed foods. I’ve been making an effort to get more local foods along the way and plan to keep doing. But I won’t think any less of myself for shopping at Walmart and buying non-organics. In many of the smaller towns this is the only option. We are not planning our trip around food, we are planning it around adventure, education, and experience. This means that sometimes Walmart is our only option and when we are out in about I want to experience the food including beignets in New Orleans.
Which leads me too…
I’m not cutting out sugar completely. I started off the New Year planning to go back to the “no refined sugar” life style I lived for almost four years but realized that I would be too sad to miss out on beignets in New Orleans and Jeni’s Spledid Ice Cream in Nashville. I’m not going to eat or cook with refined sugar at home but when we get to Key West in a few weeks I’m going to eat a slice of Key Lime Pie.
For the last four years living in my sticks and bricks house, I’d estimate 80-90% of my food has been nourishing and the other 10-20% would nachos or other junk foods. (Let’s be honest, our bodies respond to most starches like they are sugar so it was more of a mental strategy than physical.) Allowing real sugar certainly makes it more challenging and the cravings afterwards are unbelievable. But I accept that is how my body will respond and I’ve been preparing myself mentally before I order that scoop of ice cream. I know if I eat it I will want more (and more and more) but just knowing and expecting this makes it easier to ride out the cravings however uncomfortable they are. Â It also helps me to be selective about what I eat and ask myself, “Is this going to be worth the cravings that will follow?” It’s not easy but, for now, it’s worth it and doable.
Fitness – We’ve finally got to warm sunny weather (Florida) and my sprits have lifted. I think I may have a touch of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Working out should be easier now. Although time is still an issue but it’s not an excuse. Brent and I started the Enter The Kettlebell program again. It consists of clean and press ladders 3 days a week using heavy, medium, and light days and two days of “kettlebell practice”. It’ simple, methodical, and effective plan for increasing strength. It also doesn’t take much time and can be done inside the RV if necessary. I followed it to prepare for my RKC almost two years ago. I’m modifying the plan slightly by using double kettlebells and the other two days I’m going to practice TRX or full body metabolic kettlebell workouts to film for my state workout series.
I’m still a little torn regarding my upcoming RKC recertification. I’m leaning towards leaning out rather than risk greater injury to my already injured shoulder. I’m trying to do turkish get ups to strengthen my tweaked shoulder but I really don’t see myself using a kettlebell heavier than the 12k for ballistic exercises soon enough to be able to pass. Which leaves me with the questions to buy a scale or not? I haven’t minded not having one and now that I’m adapting to this new way of life I think my body will naturally get to where it needs to be. I think. It would be terrible to show up for my re-certification and not pass because I was, unknowingly, a few pounds heavier.
So that’s that. Where I’ve been and where I’m at now. It feels good to have a flexible livable plan. I’ve already have 5 weeks of workouts planned, written out, and ready to check off. I found a nearby farmer’s market and a farm that sells grassed meats that we will go to later this week. It’s an adventure for sure and thanks for coming along!
Hugs and High Fives,
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In your case, you have a “need” to weigh a certain amount (or at least you really need to *know* how much you weigh…). While I’m a scale-hater, check out this photo. Rather than buy one, you’ll be a Wally World anyway…
That’s hilarious and a good idea!!! Ha ha!!! Thanks!!!
I can only imagine how challenging life on the road can get at times. I don’t think you are complaining at all, and all your points sound very valid to me. I can’t even function well when I have to go to a different grocery store! That may have something to do with the fact that I’m terrible at writing lists and try to remember everything, so if things aren’t “in their place,” I’m lost…
Be careful with that shoulder! Putting a lot of weight on it certainly doesn’t sound like a good idea. As far as weighing yourself goes (first of all, be kind to yourself!), I was also going to suggest using a scale in a store (I think pharmacies often have them for customers to use). But then I clicked through the link above, and it’s just too funny!
Have fun!
Thanks Andrea. I’m thinking that weighing myself in a store might not be a bad idea!
Hi Jenn! I so envy your voyage! Have lots of fun!
I wanted to talk a little more about “skinny”. I myself am not a “petite petunia”, I have given up soda, A LOT of white foods and sugars. And I work out. (-= I have always fought the “weight”. My doctor finally told me to not worry about the scale. Work on making things “not jiggle!” I am older, I have multiple injuries, a household of boys and no time for myself.
How do you feel about the word “Jiggle”?
Jiggle? I really don’t mind that word too much (it’s kinda cute b/c it rhymes with “wiggle). I think “jiggle” is part of being a woman. I’ve been at varying degrees of leanness and I always have a bit of jiggle in my butt and thighs. It sounds like you are doing an awesome job taking care of your body!! Right on!!! xoxo
PS It sounds like you have a good doctor to tell you to not worry about the scale.
(I hope I’m reading that comment right!)
I absolutely LOVE this post! The way you listed out all the pertinent facts was very direct and I can see how helpful that would be in addressing a question or issue like what you’re trying to sort through and answer.
I think your inclination to lean out makes great sense given your shoulder, plus the fact that I think you’ll feel so much better in every way if you aren’t self-conscious and uncomfortable in your skin (I hadn’t noticed the changes in your pics/vids at all, but I absolutely know and relate *right now* to how it feels when I weigh more than I prefer… and I’m working on it! with kettlebells!)
Thanks so much for sharing all that you do… it means so much to me, for one!
Thanks for your encouragement Tamara! I’m good at dressing myself to hide weight but like I’m said don’t think I’m fat by any means. I’m just a little fluffier than I was 6 months ago. I’m glad you didn’t notice!
Oh and YAY for kettlebells!!
I know what you mean about the fluff. I would describe myself the same way, and I think clothing hides mine well, too… I’ve gotten some flack recently from family members about trying to get into better shape. It’s not as if I’m remotely in danger of becoming underweight or anything like that!
Agreed, yay for kettlebells! I’m about to make my first ever blog post this weekend, and I think it will be about KBs. Complete with (mediocre) pics of my two lovelies.
I think you are too hard on yourself RE: being self-conscious filming your videos. First of all, you look great. Secondly, you are a role model. I look up to you because you have realistic expectations for your lifestyle and are honest about your “challenges.” I like reading your blog because you are constantly re-evaluating you lifestyle and what works for you right now, and I am inspired by your videos because 1) you use kettlebells (and, correctly!), 2) 20 minutes is totally doable, and 3) if you can keep up with your workouts while having the adventure of a lifetime, then I should be able to during this ever-so-ordinary time in mine. Finally, I think your “solutions” sound terrific. If everyone followed your ideas for eating right most of the time and followed an exercise plan they enjoyed, then no one would ever need to feel guilty about the occasional beignets (beignet?).
Hi Cathy. Thank you SO MUCH for this comment. It really made my day. I agree I’m probably too hard on myself sometimes. I guess posting videos just makes me nervous that I’ll be judged. I probably should toughen up a bit.
For me short workouts are key. Not only do I not have the time to workout longer, I don’t want to workout longer. Keeping it short keeps it fun. Thanks again! xo
I agree with everything Cathy said… and with you about brief workouts! “Short and sweet,” I like to call them. Hey, just like us! 😀
2 years???? WHAT!!!!! I miss you too much….but ok, maybe I’m still a tad jealous!
Just a “consideration”. The boys, at this point, are “no way”. Maybe we will compromise and do a year and a few months but more than likely we’ll be home next fall. Miss you TONS! xoxo
You look amazing. You have no reason to feel self conscious, but a feeling is a feeling, and you are honoring it by mentioning it and dealing with it. I love the post because it is so…rational. here are the facts, here’s what I’m doing to deal. Perfect. That’s why you’ll succeed too.
2 years on the road? Awesome.
Awww thanks Katie. It’s amazing I actually have a drop of “rational” in me. The 2 years is only a consideration. Right now the boys are good with one but they are still adapting. We’ll see.
” I’m leaning towards leaning out rather than risk greater injury to my already injured shoulder.” — That’s my first thought when you mentioned your shoulder and the weight criteria. I bet the requirement to use a heavier KB wt. when you weigh more is because of the assumption that you’re a bigger person with more muscle mass and can handle it (and would otherwise have an unfair advantage over the others).
The numbers are somewhat arbitrary and doesn’t take into consideration other circumstances. I would much rather hire and follow a KB instructor who listens to her body instead of rigid rules (risking hurting herself).
All that being said, I am not a lean and fit person, so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I am a person that keeps injuring herself while exercising beyond what I’m ready for. It’s been 1 step forward and 5 steps back for me.
You don’t sound like you are complaining — I like knowing the reality of this lifestyle (which sounds wonderful in so many ways!).