Camp Kettlebell
We kicked our camping season off this weekend with a trip up the coast with one of our homeschooling groups. (For those who may be considering homeschooling and are concerned about “socialization”. Don’t worry, in most towns, the opportunities to hang out with other kids and really get to know other families are endless.)
Of course, for a nutty person camping would not feel complete without a workout. Saturday morning, Brent and I hauled our kettlebells down to the beach.
Kettlebell Complex
5 one arm swings
(Clean the bell into the rack)
5 squats (kb is in the rack)
5 military presses
(Switch hands and repeat)
Rest and repeat 5 times each side. (Total of 50 swings, 50 squats, and 50 presses- 25 each arm)
20 snatches (10 each side)
Rest and repeat 5 times. (100 snatches)
Because I was feeling so dang good I decided I wanted to sprint. It felt SO. GOOD. I love to sprint. It’s exhilarating and makes me feel like a child again.
(You have my permission to laugh at that picture.)
2 (approximately) 100 yard sprints
Then I practiced a few other moves (cleans, clean to catch, and windmills) trying to improve my form. When I “practice” I use a lighter bell and my focus is entirely on form and not at all on numbers.
I finished my workout with a relaxing stretch session.
BUT the best part of the weekend wasn’t working out. It was watching these guys fish, boogie board, ride bikes, and play with friends.
These pelicans were pretty rad too.
God’s creation never ceases to captivate me.
Hugs and High Fives,
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Oh so jealous! I want to be at the beeeeeeach!! I also love to sprint. That was my favorite part of my tabata routine I was doing for awhile. You’re totally right, it does make you feel like a kid again!
i so wish i lived near you because that sounds like one fantastic workout!
i’m at the beach right now but I FORGOT my kettlebell.
You always amaze me with your kb workouts. I love reading about them b/c it definitely motivates me to keep working out with mine and I am starting to feel a difference now from doing so, so thank you!
Just curious, what lb weights do you use?
First thank you so much for the kind words. For most of my work I use the 26 lb. I use the 35lb for swings and other lower body work if it’s not going overhead. Occassionally, I’ll use the 44lb for swings as well when I’m at class but I don’t have that one at home. When I’m only practicing form, cleans and catches, or bottoms up presses I use the 18lb.
That looks like FUUUUN! THanks to you, I go NO WHERE without my KB and I try to sneak in workouts all the time. And how lucky were you with that weather! You are so cute in your pink outfit too!
Now that’s my kind of vacay!! I love KBs! And the windmill is probably my fave KB move ever. I’ve been making the GYm Buddies do KB workouts with me lately – except we’re forced to swing regular dumb bells because our gym is retarded and refuses to let us use the KBs. They actually said that it was a “safety issue”. Riiiiight, because us swinging a 45-lb dumb bell is totally safe!
Love all the cute pics of you! I want pink pants!
45 lb dumbbells swings! You’re awesome!
You’ve got me thinking all about kettlebells lately. And now, thanks to you, I’ll have sweet dreams about the beach!
I bought my first kettlebell the other day. It’s only 10 pounds, but that’s all they (walmart) had besides the adjustable Jillian Michaels one for $80+.
omg i just went to park day w/ my homeshooling friends today and have a pre written post for the a.m. about socialization!!!! oh wow, what timing!
i just noticed you un-subbed from my email feed. Hope i didnt piss ya off or anything with my wild-side posts lately
and that it was just general email clutter. i never sign up for anyone’s posts for that very reason..ha
nice bodybugg 😉
I’m really interesting in adding a kettleball to my workouts. I’m so cheap though!!
love the post. great to get more workout ideas, and to hear a little bit about your camping time . what homeschooling group did you go with? are you feeling more connected with some moms?
With CASA. I’m definitely feeling more connected with other moms. I’m sort of shy so it takes time for me but there are a lot of really wonderful people in the homeschooling community.
I love your kettlebell posts! Do you use the kettlebells from They are sooo expensive. But the kettlebell I bought from a local sporting goods shop didn’t have a wide enough handle so I returned it. Will you consider a post on kettlebell considerations like brand and weights? Right now I’m swinging my DH’s dumbells and I’m aching to get at least one KB.
Just happen to pull out the Kettle bells tonight. My wife asked if I would join her doing a 20 min. Kettleworx DVD’s that we have and have gotten next to no play. WOW.. even our kids (8 & 6 ) joined in for a bit. It beat us up… but felt good after naturally. I am also doing the 100 Push-up Challenge too! Has anyone tried this “Kranking” exercise yet?