Lift Heavy. Lift Consistently. Age Gracefully not Passively
Last week, Brent and I met an older couple while riding the lift. We came down the mountain and ended up on the same lift with the couple again. Our third run down the man said, “We’ll just ride up with you guys.”
We learned they spent half the year in the Outer Banks where he works in the trades.
We learned they had two kids.
We learned about new runs we should try.
We learned they had started snowboarding together 15 years ago at the age of 50.
That, my friends, is why I workout consistently.
Sure a flat stomach is nice and strong shoulders look great in halter tops.
But the older I get the less those things really matter.
The people who inspire and motivate me the most are the people advancing in age who are hiking trails, snowboarding down mountains, running races, lifting some iron, and living life.
Once I read about a woman who died from getting thrown off a horse…
at 102.
For over 10 years that article of the elderly cowgirl has stuck with me.
God willing, that’s how I want to go. I don’t want to break a hip falling down the stairs.
I want to be thrown off the back of an Arabian (That’s my favorite breed and what I rode when I was younger.) while riding through the mountains.
Not to go all Bible on you but I’ve said before I’m a little Jesus flavored.
2 Timothy 4:7 – “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
I want to age gracefully but not passively.
I want to keep running figuratively and literally.
The only chance I have of being able to be literally finish running or be gloriously thrown off a horse at 102 is to eat real nutrient dense food and maintain my strength.
Eat real food.
Lift your body. Lift iron. Lift big bags of dog food.
Just lift.
Lift heavy. Lift consistently.
Snowboarding, hiking, running, dancing, tennis, golf, or whatever activities you enjoy…they are all wonderful but they are all second to strength.
Strength is the foundation of every healthy body.
With that here are my workouts of last week. There was fresh powder a few days so my schedule was off. I’m also doing an upper lower body splits after months and months of full body workouts. I still love (and prefer) full body workouts but I needed a change and my legs need a bit more rest since I’m snowboarding so much.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – Strength Training – Upper Body Focus
Wednesday – Strength Training – Lower Body Focus
Thursday – Snowboard
Friday – Strength Training – Upper Body Focus
Saturday – Snowboard
Sunday – Snowboard (This was probably my best day so far. There was powder and I hit more black runs that day than any other day!)
I also walked every day. My lowest step day was 4,478 and my highest was 13,914 so I’m still on track for meeting my 3,000,000 step goal for 2013.
So how was your week? Why do you workout? Who motivates you?
Hugs and High Fives,
Keep up with my kettlebell workouts, real food recipes, and more in one of three ways! 1. Sign up to have posts emailed to your inbox. 2. Subscribe to the RSS Feed or 3. “like” Girl Heroes on Facebook. Simple dimple!
Journey with our family on the road at Newschool Nomads as we travel fulltime in RV through the United States!
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YOU motivate me!! I love this post so much—-such a great reminder as to why fitness is way more important that most people realize!
Great pic of you and the dunes!
Thank you!!!
Well said, Jenn!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. There are a million reasons to do this, and very few of them have to do with vanity, when you get right down to it! xoxox
Love this!
Love YOU!
This is wonderful!!!
I haven’t been lifting as much as I used to. I’ll have to change that!
The older I get, the more workouts are about feeling good today and later in life. And fit older people are great motivation. There is an incredible woman in one of my barre classes. I believe she used to do ballet professionally. She is very strong and flexible – a true inspiration.
That woman sounds amazing! What an inspiration to have in class!
I want to be that couple on the lift!
Sadly I think my motivation comes from fear as much as a role model. My family was/is riddled with disease but I want to avoid it. I lift heavy & often for that reason too.
I love split days. Especially because some days u have more energy (good for legs), others just upper body/core or even back&bi etc. I feel I can accomplish more this way.
Glad u are doing so well on those black diamonds!!!
I have some of that too since my family is also riddled with cancer. There is also a fair amount of heart issues and diabetes. It’s keeps me going for sure. I wish you and Derek could come out. They have little “chateaus” (cabins) here that rent for only $85 a night if you have any inclination!
We can also get discounted lift tickets. (Of course you could stay with us too if you didn’t mind really tight quarters.) 
Preach it, sista!
You’ve just inspired me to get up off the couch and do that full body lifting workout that was languishing in my head. I much prefer those also, and I just wing it when I go upstairs to my home gym. I just love the sound of that. My home gym. Heh. (It’s in the room my bedroom used to be in, FYI. It’s nice and chilly up there for getting my sweat on.
I miss my home (garage) gym! You make me smile!
About 4 years ago my husband and I were doing a short day hike on a rocky, steep section of the Appalachian trail. We both had been running for over a year, but still the hike was hard. But while passing over the biggest rocks this couple quickly passed us. They were close to 20 years our senior, but they were mounting those rocks like deer. That’s what I want to be able to do. That’s why I run, that’s why I do kettlebell, and that’s why I make sure I get in some yoga. I’m now over 40 and when I’m heading into my 60’s I want to be able to hike those trails and climb those rocks like a deer.
Amen! My thoughts exactly! Good for you and your husband!
So love this! I’ve lost sight of why I need to get my sweat on regularly and this was such a timely reminder. Thank you!
Also, Arabians are my favorite breed too and what I grew up riding. My mom even does bronze sculptures of Arabians.
That’s so cool about your mom’s sculptures! I need to remind myself regularly as to why I workout too.
Right On! I’m 66, started snowboarding at 50 also. Unfortunately, was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease last summer and am in End Stage Renal Failure. Though this did slow me down some, still working out 1 hr. + everyday, practicing Japanese martial art forms of Jodo twice/week and have gone snowboarding twice this season so far. I’m not ready to give up yet!
I’m sorry to hear about your diagnoses but it sounds like you have a great attitude despite the challenge. You are the kind of person I find most motivating! Thank you for sharing. So awesome!
Great post !!!
Reading posts like this motivate me! Remind me I need to get off my backside and start lifting those weights – not tomorrow – TODAY!!
Hi. I am 61 and still cycling over 100 miles per week (only in the spring, summer and the fall)
Whilst your genes do play a part, most of it is down to good healthy eating, regular exercise and the right mindset.
mulberry 広島