Move It Monday: Walk this Way
If the Bodybugg taught me anything, it taught me I have NO patience need to move more. After wearing it for a few days, it was evident that I’m part slug.
Truth be told, I’m sort of sedentary by nature. Many of my favorite things in life, such as reading, cuddling, writing, thinking, internet surfing require about the same amount of energy as sleeping. I’m not a busybody. I’m not a gardener. My house is a mess. I don’t have toddlers anymore. I don’t have a job that requires lots of physical activity.
Once I saw, in black and white, that I needed to increase my activity level, I decided to walk more because I didn’t want to clean my house over exercise. I’ve discovered something I LOVE walking. Here are a few reason why.
-Feeling my body move without any impact. Feels like my body is doing exactly what is was designed to do.
-Seeing things I normally miss.
-Hearing birds chip and leaves rustle.
-Strangers who let me pet their dogs.
-Saving on gas.
-Conversations with Brent or my kids.
-Conversations with myself.
-Time to pray.
-Humming to myself. Zippidy doo da….
-Burning extra calories.
-Requires no equipment.
Walking is now near the the top of my list for exercise right under weights. I’ve been walking any chance I have, to the store, around the neighborhood, while my kids are at taekwondo…
Thing 2 and I on our way to vote.
People who live in big walking cities are lucky. A few years ago we visited some friends in NYC and I don’t think I had ever walked so much in my life.
While there I saw the coolest thing ever. A guy walking his cat on a leash!
I know Meow Cow wouldn’t go for that but I thought he may enjoy taking a walk with me.
I think he enjoyed the ride.
All this walking is helping me get closer to my goal of being able to test with the lighter kettlebell at the RKC. Working out yesterday I noticed that my delts are finally starting to develop. I love feeling stronger but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I love looking stronger too. 😉
What about you?
What do you like about walking?
Does anyone else feel ridiculous self-conscious taking pictures of themselves in the mirror?
Hugs and High Fives,
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I love walking, my kids and I go on at least one walk a day. I know they love to see everything around them and for me it’s just a peaceful to connect with my surroundings.
You are looking awesome! Way to go.
Thanks girl!
I love walking! Especially with my doggie!!
You have a ROCKIN bod!! I hope I can get my even half as good lookin as that post-baby!! 😉
Thanks Em!
Oh sweet little meow cow! That ‘cat’ on the leash in new york was huge enough to be a dog dressed up as a cat.
I love to walk too. One of my MO’s is to get somewhere early so that I can park anywhere from 5-20 minutes’ walk away, depending on my foot-wear and time-allowance. I consider it a sacrilege to PAY for parking my car, so I always park somewhere else and that means walking because almost no one else is willing to do that (especially here in LA!)
And yes, your delts are popping and so are your abs! Go Jenn! Looking AWESOME!
LOVE that you live in LA and get a lot of walking in. You’re so “counter-culture” in that city. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
PS. Yes I feel silly taking photos of myself- usually I call it “building my Blogger’s Delts” as usually I hold the camera way out in front of me- thus flexing my deltoid muscle! “Here is a photo of me taking a photo of myself- hahah!” Oh well, it’s still fun!
I wish I walked more – especially with The Lover and our kids! The Lover and I went to NYC in 2004 and like you, we walked SO much. But it was so enjoyable. I really loved it and could move there. Not so much for The Lover.
I am terrible at taking self-pics. I look so awkward.
Awesome abs!
I never thought I’d hear you say to that you like to walk (and count it as exercise). I still stand by that I get better lower body shaping from walking as opposed to running or elliptical. I love walking out in the country without music. Especially when I’m already motivated so that I can hear the birds, hear the corn, and I smell things alot more also (even the roadkill). Your delts are looking good!!! (pang of jealousy)
Just you wait until you get here. I’ll walk your socks off!
As a New Yorker, I have to say that walking is a HUGE plus to living here – though you don’t really have a choice! Not too long ago someone told me about the Alexander Technique, and since then I’ve focused on maximizing my walking efforts by LIFTING my knees with each controlled step. Sounds silly, but it really has made a difference. Not only does it support good posture, but it forces me to contract my core AND I’ve felt a difference in my thighs – not bad for “just” walking! If you don’t already do that, give it a try and see how it feels (I know I had heavy, heavy feet before).
Thanks Alexi. I’ve never heard of it! Must google.
I have never walked as much as when I was in London. I liked it, but I found myself thinking that I wished I ‘d had my bike.
Lookin good!
Oh, that’s so funny about the cat! I don’t know of any cat that would put up with that from his support staff 😉 I always hate taking pics in the mirror too – I feel like a myspacing twelve year old!
LOL! I think it must *humor* him.
love this post jenn. i have always loved walking, and always do it. i have been walking for years. like you said, i love so much about it. i love time to myself. i love time with God. i love time in nature. i love time to slow down. i love just moving my body in a way that feels natural. i love the birds chirping in the morning, i love the roses to smell – and when dan or a friend comes, i love the time to talk!
Walking is so therapeutic on many levels. When I walk around the neighborhood (I know most of my neighbors), it gets me out of my own problems as I see the homes of those who have worse problems. It makes me wonder what I could do for them.
I remember as a young teen getting in “it’s not fair” arguments with my parents. I would be so angry at them. My dad said, “Let’s go for a walk. We don’t have to talk, but let’s just walk.” Me – “Huh? Whatever.”
It was dark, but we walked around the block. I started off mad and fuming and couldn’t wait to just get this over with. Then I relaxed. I was a new person by the time we got home. I love my dad for that. I was probably horrible to be around, and he was probably mad at me, but he made things better.
I love this story, Gina. What a wonderful thing for your dad to do. Thank you for sharing.
I recently went from running to walking due to doctors orders. He said I could run again, but I’m sticking with walking because I feel SO much better after walking than running. No pain is a plus!
How long do you normally walk for? I’m not sure what a good walking regimen is compared to my old running regimen.
Your kitty is too cute in that bag!
Oh my goodness! I love Meow-Cow on the walk!
I have been trying to walk more too …
And, you are lookin’ mighty fine, lady, mighty fine 😉
Thanks Michelle!
YES to walking!!! I used to walk everywhere in university, then I bought a car and gained 15 lbs. True story. Now I’m car-less again, and this time in a giant walkable city. It’s kind of freeing to be without a vehicle! I also noticed that when I used to have to walk everywhere, it was before I regularly exercised, so it often felt torturous. But now that I’m more in shape, an hour long walk feels like nuthin, and is a lot more fun
I love walking! I used to think that it wasn’t a good enough workout but now I know better.
Your kitty is sooo cute!
And I just took a pic of myself in the mirror this morning and was wondering whether I should post it on my blog or not… I think I will!
I am walking more than ever these days with Noah needing the exercise. The more I do it, the more I like it. Some of the same reasons you listed. I found it is also a great time to memorize Bible verses. Well, if you have a dog that is well-trained. Pretty soon I’ll get back to that…
Oh Noah….
It’s actually a nice and helpful piece of info.
I’m happy that you shared this helpful information with us.
Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.