We did it!!! (And I even managed a few workouts.)
We did it!
We drove from Key West to Alaska!
When we started out I had all these grand intentions of working out in amazing locations. As it turned out we were moving very fast because I was on a writing schedule for Go RVing and winter was (is) on our heels so we couldn’t dawdle. It’s not the easiest thing to fit in workouts or get motivated while traveling in an RV full time but add in a baby, 1000s of miles under our tires in a matter of weeks, travel planning, sightseeing, normal family stuff, writing deadlines and fitting in workouts becomes even more challenging. It was kinda like working full time while being on vacation.
Ummm….not complaining!
I’m not complaining because it was one of the best summer’s of my life! We fell in love with Alaska. I lost count on how many times Brent and I had the “what would it be like to live here” discussion. If it wasn’t so far from family I really think we would live there half of the year. The beauty of Alaska is beyond words. Anyway it’s all documented on the Go RVing blog.
We might have been busy hiking, seeing glaciers, spotting wildlife, and working but I did find time to fit in a few workouts here and there. I think they averaged to about 1.5 a week. Most of them I did with my new workout partner Thing 1. He’s quite disciplined that one and puts me to shame!
Here are a few of the spots. I didn’t bother capturing all of them.
At a rest stop on our way to Chicken, Alaska.
It’s hard to see but that’s the Alaska Range in the background.
This was outside on Palmer on the Knik River where we camped for 6 nights.
This was at a campground near Fort Nelson in Canada.
There is a lot of construction on the Alaska Highway and sometimes you have to wait 15-30 minutes for the pilot car to lead you down the road. Brent (It was his idea this time. <=== Somethings just don’t change.) thought it was a perfect time for a mini workout.
We are getting to old to care what people think.
This was my favorite workout spot of all on the spit in Homer, Alaska.
Have you been to Homer? It’s so rad!
Since I spent way more time sightseeing that working out here are some glimpses from the last few months on the road.
(The top middle is Mount McKinley or Denali!)
This guy is getting so big! He’ll be as heavy as my kettlebell soon!
Hugs and High Fives,
Check out our family’s adventures at Newschool Nomads as we travel in our RV through the United States!
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Wow, some of those pics look doctored but I know they aren’t! Counting from left to right, #2 and #13 blew my mind. #2 reminds me of something I’ve seen in Iceland. So exciting that thing 1 is getting into KBs!! and Thing 3 is just beyond adorable, as is Thing 2 especially when snuggling thing 3. So excited that you guys are having such a blast.
PS #21 and 22 were also breathtaking. And I notice some plane-spotting going on
“We are getting to old to care what people think.” – Yup!
Great job on the workouts!
I love all the photos! Alaska looks and sounds amazing! One day…
You are glowing in all these pictures and your excitement is almost contagious, even over the internets! That little boy….all your boys….adorable.
Alaska is one of only 5 states that I haven’t been to and I so badly want to go! My best friend got engaged while backpacking up there and I’ve heard it is just magical.
Wow! Can I buy a copy of that middle top photo with the path leading towards the mountain? I am totally serious. That really speaks to me and it would be AMAZING to wake up to everyday while we hope and dream of life on the road.
Please be in touch!
Feel free to print it out and hang it up.
It’s a picture of Mount McKinley (Denali) in Alaska.