Lessons From a Trash Truck
Today on the way to school my oldest, Thing 1, saw this trash truck which had a sign on the back that read “Safety is my Goal”.
Thing 1, being the analytical 10 year old he is, says, “That’s a dumb sign.”
“Why do you say that?” I asked.
“It should say safety is my priority not just goal.” He continued, “I can say my goal is to kick behind my head (referring to taekwondo) but just because that’s my goal doesn’t mean I’ll do it or even keep trying. But if I make it a priority it means I’ll keep practicing because it’s a priority not just a goal.”‘
I’m a notorious goal setter. I even have a family bucket list. My “goals” range (or have ranged) from weight loss to learning to make soar dough bread to filmmaking to personal feats of strenght, heck, I even set “goals” to mop my kitchen but like, Thing 1, said just because it’s a goal doesn’t mean it will happen….unless I’ve made it a priority which explains my sticky kitchen floor. Setting a goal indicates desire but making something a priority indicates character. Perseverance, consistency, and commitment make up the current upon which goals travel and without them a goal may stagnate until it is nothing more than a forgotten idea collecting cobwebs in a far corner of the mind. I’m thinking it’s time I revisit some of those dusty ideas and brush away the cobwebs.
I sure hope the trash truck meant safety is their priority.
(And I thought being inspired by a Big Gulp was bad.)
Hugs and High Fives,
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This is a really great distinction to make, and an important one for me. I have so many different areas of my life that matter to me, that even if I just pick my top 2-3 goals in each area, I end up with a list that’s too long to do anything with. I can have an uncountable number of goals, and every one I try to focus on dilutes my focus from all the others. As soon as I start thinking of priorities though? Then I can manage the focus. Thanks for a great post!
You have a very wise 10 year old! I felt a little sheepish reading that because, yeah, I have a lot of goals, but what’s my priority? Definitley food for thought, here.
I’m in the same boat. Gotta love my 10 year old.
Smart little cookie, that Thing 1.
Wow! That is great!
I have a really long list here at my desk titled “Mom’s Chores, Responsibilities, and Goals” for daily, weekly, and periodic stuff to-do (just in case anyone wants to look at it and see how they can help me out around here — snort!). The goals, now that I look at them, really are not a priority.
So much to think about. And here I thought this post was going to say, “Garbage in, garbage out” or something like that.
Thanks Gina. I have a really long list that I’m thinking about as well. If only we could get a few more hours in the day.
Such a smartie!
love that! so true.
Love this! I am going to start setting monthly priorities, not monthly goals. I like the shift in mentality, and your son couldn’t be more right.
What a very smart kid
I’ll let him know, you think so.
Wow! What an insightful kid!!! I think we often have lots of goals but not much happens. They have to be a priority – sooo true!
I have trouble making my goals a priority too. xoxo
Great blog post and great site! Nice to see your emphasis on common sense training techniques, food and mind set. Love it!
Hi Franz. We met briefly (very briefly) when I attended the RKC in San Diego last year. Thanks for checking out my site and for the kind words.
Ohmygoodness I love Thing 1! Clearly he is a thinker. And I love that you listened to him and took it to heart! Clearly you are also a thinker:)
For better or for worse. :-/
(I think you would get a kick out of Thing 1. He is a funny kid.)
Kids have the damndest ways of putting things don’t they! It’s a good point though… priorities are a way or ordering the goals really.. I’m going to remember this