What shooting a short film taught me about fitness.
Hope you had a happy 4th of July weekend. I have some fun news! Our short film played in a local festival here in town. Here is the trailer.[hana-flv-player video=”http://sunnylifemovie.com/SunnyLifeTrailer.flv” width=”450″ height=”250″ description=”Sunny Life Trailer” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” clickurl=”http://sunnylifemovie.com” clicktarget=”_blank” /]
We shot this about 3 years ago (before I lost over 20 pounds and with sort hair) in my hometown in Indiana and finally finished the final edit about 8 months ago. What can I say, I take my time.
Everyone once in a while I like to watch it again even though I’ve seen it at least 30 times (not counting the hours spent editing). I watch it over and over not because I think it’s some great work of art. It’s far from that. I watch it to remind myself of something that I so often forget. Sunny Life reminds me I can follow through. That I can commit to something. That I can persevere. That I can choose to manage my time well. We all CAN. Writing and shooting a film, even a short film, is a big job. Any creative endeavor is a BIG job. It’s sort of like getting fit. You have a goal, a vision in your head, and every day you are faced with decisions to make choices that lead up to that goal. You can write or paint or sew or _____ even when you don’t “feel” like it or you can put it off for tomorrow and stay right where you are. You can workout today and nourish your body today or you can put it off for tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next.
In general, don’t consider myself a very disciplined person. Seeing our little film this weekend reminded that I can be if I want to be. I also remind myself that for over two years, I’ve been consistent, not perfect, with my health and fitness goals. Now it’s time to channel some of that discipline I’ve learned into other areas of my life. I think my soul needs it.
I’m want to know about you. What creative outlets do you have? (I STRONGLY believe EVERYONE is creative whether they believe it or not.) Any good time management tips you could share? Do you believe in consistency over perfection? How do you feel about “discipline”? Does it energize or exasperate you?
Hugs and High Fives,
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I am the queen of discipline. I have been an achiever my whole life and the reason I have alot of the “notches on my belt” that I wont rattle off what my achievements are, but it’s b/c i am highly disciplined. Probably too much so. But it has served me well by and large:)
Have a great nite, Jenn!!
Come on Averie, rattle off those achievements!
What a great short film!
I love this post! Everyone does have the ability to follow through with anything they set their minds to. I am very disciplined when it comes to my health, wellness and career! I think you have to be when you have your own businesses or you aren’t eating 😉
You are such an inspiration!
Thank you Kris!!!
Love the trailer but hate that I can’t see the whole thing 😉 Maybe someday …? Really would love to watch it!
My jewelry is definitely my #1 creative outlet.
I am awful when it comes to discipline. I am get distracted very easily and it’s something I need to work on esp. if I am going to get my biz up and running. But, on the flipside, if I do dedicate myself to something, it becomes all-consuming. Need to work on this :-/
Awww…thanks Michelle! Absolutely. I’ll bring it WHEN we get together in the future. I LOVE what I have seen of your jewelry. xo
Awesome!!!!!!!! I would love to see the whole thing!! You must just be so proud, I know I would be!!
Gosh, I guess teaching is a creative outlet for me. I’m able to think up fun activities, create games, make kid friendly art projects, etc. etc.
Thanks Em! Teaching is ABSOLUTELY creative. As a homeschooling mom I have GREAT respect for those of you who teach a ROOM FULL of kidlets!
Oh – I love this. I would love to see the whole thing. And I love your site… just stumbled upon it. And this is just what I need – I just committed to running a marathon in November. Yikes.
Thank you!! Very cool about your marathon!!! That’s an intense goal. Good for you!!!!
I’m so sad that i wasn’t able to make the film festival to see the whole thing
U gonna do any encore showings??
And I too, CAN be very disciplined. But naturally i fall into that awful category of having huge expectations of myself and not so much follow thru = a carousel of guilt. BUT, I’m working on it and have made much improvement
and altho i DREAM of being creative in the way my friends are (artistically or musically) I do love the release that creating gives. I find it in knitting, cooking, and writing
Come over for kettlebells and tea. We can watch it while we stretch.
I have always dreamed of being a musician too. Oh well.
sounds fab!!! just say when
I love this post. It is so important to me to have a creative outlet, not just because I’m called to on a soul level, but also because I want to be a good example for my children that they can pursue their dreams, as well. I have been a singer for a long time; my most renowned performance was with Patti Labelle on NBC in 2007 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bg7JS8iZVs). More recently, I’ve begun singing and songwriting with my husband. Here’s a link to our performance of one our original songs at a recent local festival: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4zDv2tr2m8). Thanks for posting this, and congratulations on completing your film!
Thanks for sharing your links Liimu. You’ve got some serious talent! So cool!!! What a great point you bring up about being creative as an example to our children.
Great Trailer! Congrats on accomplishing a big goal. You are a hero!
I commited to daily exercise over a year ago and it has changed my life. I am happier, more confident, and more energized.
My tips:
Have a big goal you are working towards like a race or an event.
Schedule your whole week or it won’t happen.
Stay accountable to someone. A friend, a trainer, a blog mentor…….
Thanks for the too kind words, Heidi. Those are GREAT tips!!! Thanks for sharing.
AH! i wanna see the whole thing. now. you got the moves, lady! oh and i liked the reflections lots.
Thanks lady. If I ever get it up online I’ll let ya know.
Oh I want to see this now!!! You look so adorable! (And if that’s you with an extra 20 lbs then I want to be you.) Loved the music and your sweet, earnest face and whoever was playing the grandma! I had no idea you are an actress although it makes total sense now. so fun!
PS> Loved your “craft services” workout too – I took my KBs on vacay with me and did an impromptu workout at Mt. Rushmore!
Thanks Charlotte! That is my grandma playing the grandma. We went to a river casino for a night the week before shooting for and stayed up late “rehearsing”. A great memory.
I’d would love to see pictures of you working out at Mt. Rushmore. You, Debs, and I are kindred spirits! xoxo
I would LOVE to see the whole film- I can tell that it’s the kind of film that I love- those Indie-cool films. I can see that you are a talented actor. Soooo cool and yes, what discipline it must have taken to do that.
I do have discipline and usually catapult myself 110% into something that I love at the moment. I am fickle however, so the flavors of the day do change re hobbies, exercise preference.
I used to be crafty-creative like making photo albums (actually padding them and making them all frilly- ack- it was the 80s and I actually sold a bunch at a store in the mall). I have dabbled in knitting, sewing, scrap booking, gardening, rubber stamping, jewelry making- again- dabbled- not perfected!
Tips: I think it’s hard to tell someone else how to get disciplined- sometimes I think it’s a hardwiring thing- either you are disciplined or you aren’t, but I’m sure there must be tricks as some of your other readers have mentioned.
LOVE this post- let me know when or how I can see the film.
Wow Deb! Thank you SO MUCH for the kind words. Next time you come up or I come down I’ll bring it.
So fun learning more about you. I had no idea you were such a crafter. The eighties are back I guess the frilly photo albums didn’t make the cut!
This is incredible! Now I want to make one of these!
How have I never seen this? UHmazing! If Tina Fey were named Jenn- she’d be you. And I like that! I want to see the whole thing!
Yeah, I don’t know how you missed it seeing it was up for all kinds of awards, yo’. 😉
Seriously, I love Tina Fey. I’m almost finished with Bossypants. Hiliarious! I something consider kidnapping her and forcing her to be my BFF. Cuz, I’m a good friend like that.
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Every where you have to go.You looks like fine, but looks like not fine.Please take a rest.When you are reary fine, I like your magic(^0^)/I like your shorts. Its nice dgsien.