Green Eggs and French Toast
Today is Dr. Suess’ birthday so I got the BRILLIANT and FUN idea to surprise my kids with green eggs and french toast (we try not to eat pork) for dinner.
Who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner!
Green eggs and additives.
I skipped around my kitchen imagining shrieks of glee when the boys walked in to the kitchen and saw…
“What a fun mom!” I thought proudly anticipating their smiles.
Instead I got this…
…before he turned around and walked out as if I had made green eggs and sauerkraut.
(Note: I did not dress him. He was being a Jedi.)
I don’t have a picture but my 9 year old was even less impressed.
I thought it would be fun to read Green Eggs and Ham during dinner.
They thought it was about as exciting as reading the closing stats of the S&P 500.
Seriously mom.
I guess I was about 3 years too late on this one.
But then…
Daddy used the scary man silly voice….
(Watch out for the lazer-eyed kitty.)
Ah ha!!! There are the smiles I was hoping for!
I’ll say goodnight with a quote from my favorite Dr. Seuss Book, Oh the Places You’ll Go–
“Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So… get on your way.”
Thanks for the inspriation and smiles Dr. Seuss. Happy Birthday!!!!
Hugs & High Fives,
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Tough crowd, eh?
I would have thought you were a cool mom though. And of course it would be DAAAADDDY that would get all the smiles. Sigh.
Hee hee on the kitty eyes!
LOL! i didn’t even know you had kids?!? they sure are cuties! so funny how the best of intentions somehow flop with kids every once in a while. i think deep down they loved what you did but were “too old” to show it
I LOVE what you did!
Oh my!! Are your boys in that ‘Im too cool for that stage’ !!! Yikes!!! I know my son is in that stage !! He is just to cool for some things, lol!! How sweet of you to do the green eggs, I would of loved it! Next year you and I will celebrate it together!!
I never had SOdelicious icecream products, but have seen them, lol hubby ate them all, typical man!!! Arent the bars real small? I will have to check them out!
I love this post! You kids are adorable Jenn!
I think you’re a pretty cool Mom, even if your kids weren’t overly impressed at the time, one day they will look back and be impressed and extremely grateful for the lengths you went to, in an attempt to create a special meal.
Looking back at my own childhood, there were so many things that my Mom tried to do, that didn’t go over well at the time, but I still remember them and when I reflect now, I am highly impressed at the lengths she went to.
I’m impressed, even if the boys weren’t. You are adorable as always. Love you!
I think that sounds like a fun idea! Sorry they didn’t love it.
And thanks for stumbling across my blog. It means I got to find yours which is so great. I plan on coming back 😀
haha what a fun idea! I saw another post with green eggs and ham!
Thanks guys!!!
Naomi – I’d love to check out the other green eggs and ham post if you can remember who posted it. How fun!!!!
Oh my, love the pic of your Jedi – that expression is priceless! Your boys are so cute esp. in that last pic all smiley … You definitely get lots ‘o good mommy points for effort, that’s for sure! And love your apron …
I love it!! And I love the little guy’s facial expression! LOL
Those are some highly radio active looking eggs!!! Who doesn’t love “Brinner” (Breakfast for dinner) ?
very fun jenn! dan and i just got a good laugh. i am very impressed that you went out of your way and did this! you inspire me
Ahh, what a good mom! So creative!