Girl Hero Mo
Mo Talbot is a student, stay at home mom and a weight loss ambassador. Take one look at her before and after pictures on her Facebook page and you’ll see why. I “met” Mo when a friend of mine shared one of her motivational wall posts. I liked what I read and clicked through. I’m so happy I did. Mo is kind, bubbly, encouraging and committed to her goals.
Not only does Mo spend time encouraging others with her if-I-can-do-it-you-can-too-atttitude on her very well liked Facebook page, I Got Tired of Being Fat and Got in Shape, she is also a busy mom with two kids ages 12 and 9. Mo also enjoys playing the guitar and dancing. She loves indoor rock climbing, bodybuilding, and weightlifting.
1. What was your lifestyle like before?
My life before I lost the weight was pretty sedentary, I went to school and I was busy but I was not physically active, I ate whatever I wanted and I was pretty unhappy with the way I felt inside and how I looked outside.
2. How did you lose weight? The basics of your plan.
I ate myself lean! I did a total change of my eating habits and exercises habits. I did it with real food, no shakes, pills, shots, or surgeries. I stopped eating refined sugar ( or any sugar for that matter honey, raw sugar, brown sugar etc) and refined flours, I limited my starches (potatoes and corn) and I ate a lean protein and a fruit or vegetable every 2 to 3 hours. I stopped eating fried foods, sweets, and mayonnaise! It is my weakness!!!
3. How has your attitude toward food changed?
I used to eat to help me feel better, it was my comfort. I ate when I was happy, sad, depressed, bored, I ate to celebrate whatever came my way, I ate out of anger. My emotions were always represented in my foods. I don’t do that anymore. I eat for my body to look the way I want it to look, i do allow myself a treat once a week. But My attitude towards food is completely different . I am stronger than food!
4. Any current fitness goals?
I am currently training to do a bodybuilding competition in the bikini category. I want to prove to myself that I have the determination to get up on stage, even though I am completely scared of it.
5. What gave you the idea to start your inspirational Facebook page?
I started a page because so many of my friends were asking me how I did it, so instead of writing everyone a personal email ( which I did for the longest time) I decided to write a note on my page where I could point people to it. I also would post quotes and stuff to keep ME motivated, and people started liking it and that is how I am here today.
6. What inspires/motivates you to eat healthy and workout?
Me! I keep myself motivated from within. Nobody else can do this for me. I have truly found that motivation comes from our deepest desires and when we really want something we will go after it no matter what or who gets in the way. I am my own motivator. That may sound selfish but honestly it all comes from within. I keep doing this day in an day out because I never want to feel the way I used to feel. It is so much more than just being thin, it is truly a mental thing my change has truly been more mental than physical.
7. Any advice for people who are struggling to lose weight?
Look deep within at the reasons why you want to lose weight and make sure that it is because YOU want to, not because people around you want you to. Once you find the reasons why YOU want to lose weight then remember them DAILY and you will be your own motivator. Give yourself NO room for failure. NO EXCUSES.
8. And for fun, if you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
Oh my gosh.. hahhaha a superpower?? lets see… the power of persuasion. So people would do what I want them to do !!! HAHAHHAHA
Thank you Mo for sharing your journey with us. Your commitment to health is encouraging! Be sure to like Mo’s Facebook page for more inspiration!
Hugs and High Fives,
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Mo, all I can say is your hard work paid off. You look so healthy and not to mention you have such a beautiful smile . I liked your advice on losing weight. Great job on reaching your goals. Thanks for sharing.
This was a great read. Go Mo! (:
Mo, you sound so down to earth! I’ve been working really hard now for 7 months and you just put a pep in my step that all my hard work will pay off. Oh, and your hair is gorgeous!!
YAY!!! I am so happy that you are pumped!!! your hard work will pay off!! thank you!!!!
No mayo??!! LOL My joke has some seriousness, though. My fear is if I stop all sugars and “white stuff,” then I’ll binge on it sometime in the future, gain the weight back and be worse off than before. But, on the contrary, if I eat it, I crave it more. I’m kind of in a rut and don’t know what direction to take.
Does your family eat the same way you do?
How long have you maintained?
Yes I totally understand. I did not cheat on my eating style for about 9 months, I do a cheat meal a week now. Here is the thing right… we always think of what we are missing when it comes to food. But what are you missing when it comes to your body? I used to hate putting my pants on because I knew that they were getting tigher.. it was a daily struggle!!! I rather not have mayo and fit into my jeans now. Because feeling great in my clothes last longer than the 5 minutes of pleasure I get from eating my mayo. Do you see my point? it is all a mental thing really. My family does not eat the same way at all. I have kept it off for almost 3 years now. and I feel better than I ever have!
YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your reply — I want to keep it somewhere and read it as a reminder.
” …it is all a mental thing really.” For sure. I can hear negativity in my head — those mental looping tapes. I’ve started meditating to hopefully turn some of that around.
I look forward to your FB status posts.
what a knockout! And what a transformation- I’m sure you’ll succeed with your competition- your figure is perfect!
Mo, my friend Felicia and I are HUGE fans of yours. Recently we noticed that there had been no facebook updates from you. I came to this article and clicked on the links but they just send you to fb, not to your page. Have you taken down your fb site? Is there another way to follow you. You are a huge inspiration to both of us.
The link above took me to this page Looks like her page is still up.