I’m here being all kinds of crazy chillaxin’ at LAX with mascara speared down my cheeks. (I’m not good at goodbyes.) I’m taking a red eye flight to Baltimore. Going red eye because I’m scared to fly withBrent but terrified without him so we figured a red eye and some Xanax would do me (and the other passengers) good.
Before I go any further – I’m writing from my phone so please forgive the typos. Ok. Thanks!
So, we ordered a shirt from Spreadshirt but it didn’t get to my house in time so Brent, the love of my life who I already miss INSANELY, made this tank for me last minute, as in hour before we left.
On the back it says “We are heroes!”
Here also made me these “business” cards. I love them!! Although, I’m really not sure what kind of “business” I’m running.
Truth me told, I think I might feel a little silly wearing the shirt and carrying business cards for my blog but it is a BLOG conference. 😀
Between flying, sleep deprivation, nerves about the conference, and being away from my family I may need more than Xanax before we land.
When I was asked to do the kettlebell demo I almost said no because I didn’t want to fly alone. But here I am ALONE at LAX months later. It’s good to face our fears. Right? Right? Right?
Once I land, I’ll get excited I’m sure but…
…right now my mind is occupied by sweet freckled faces and strong arms that make me feel safe.
Hugs and High Fives,
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You are so cute! Good luck at the conference
Cool; have a good trip! I hope you got that dress in time; I left it on your door earlier this morning but I wasn’t sure if maybe you were already gone.
Yes, I did. Thank you for doing that!!!
I LOVE that photo of you and Brent. You look so happy and serene.
Oh I love the tanks!! And expect one. To wear.
You are cuter than a pug snoring! (And I mean that as a compliment and also a nod at the two of us that have pugs)
Tee hee!!!! I’ll take that as a compliment although my pug has a pretty nasty snore! 😉
(I sooooo wish you were here at Fitbloggin’.)
You look beautiful! (and fit!) Go brent for doing that for you – what a great hubby! Have fun!!!
Thank you, friend. xoxo
I wish I could see your demo! Sweet, beautiful family — I hope you have a blast.
(I had to fly alone to Las Vegas, use shuttles, rent a car, then drive that car to Utah by myself, do some house-hunting for a day — in a town that lost complete power due to a fire, then do it all in reverse the next day. My hubby had to spell it all out for me. I wish I had the xanax. But it was really liberating with a big “I did it!” and relief I didn’t get mugged).
Wow! That’s intense and how awesome that you did it! I think I might have had to take 2 Xanax in that situation! 😉
Aww, honey! That tank is the cutest. As are you. I wish I lived near Baltimore, suddenly. Have the best time!!! You’ll be back with your beloveds before you know it. <3
I wish you lived here too. I would have loved to meet you in person! Someday!!
Good luck. I now remember that we were supposed to be on some cruise in the middle of nowhere and we’re not :-/ which was why I couldn’t commit to joining you all those months ago. It would have been fun to go with you and you could have cried big Tammy Faye tears all over my Girl Heros tank top. Hope it all goes great!
Oh Debs I so wish you would have been able to come. Maybe next year! xoxo
Love the tank! hope the flight goes well. And have lots and lots of fun at the conference!!!
Thank you Andrea. The flight went well…what I can remember of it. 😉 I’m having a good time at the conference!
You were absolutely awesome during the kettlebell demo! I loved your tank, and your business cards are great. I am really glad you faced your fears and went to Fitbloggin. I am definitely going to be giving kettlebells a try thanks to the demo you ladies did.
This is late – but I hope your flight home went as well as your flight there! It sounds from all reports like you had a great time:) Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Your business cards ROCK! Probably the most fun cards I’ve ever seen – those would def hang around in my waller for months
Hope you had a great, fun & safe trip! I think it’s cute you’re wearing a blog shirt and have cards! I have card my blog too so when I tell people about my blog, they will hopefully remember to check it out !
Your tank was fantastic. I would never have known it was made right before you left. I want one…does Brent do special orders?
I feel funny having blog cards but it is a big help when I take pictures at the gym or of food or anywhere and people ask what the heck I’m doing. You are a superstar so you truly need cards… especially ones that fabulous.
Yep, my hubby made it right before we walked out the door. Well about a half and hour before. I would feel bad making one for someone else. We just used transfer paper from Office Depot!!! Someday I hope to get some made! Thanks for the encouragement and sweet words! xoxo