Behold my…
Good thing I’m not a perfectionist or I’d end up with some serious issues.
Wait. I already have serious issues.
Behold my attempt to make cookies without a recipe.
(And you thought I was being self righteous when I admitted to only making cookies once all year.)
When cookies don’t work. Use the same batter for Try muffins.
When muffins don’t work. Try pancakes.
When pancakes don’t work maybe it’s time to admit you can’t bake cover them in syrup because syrup makes anything good.
Or not.
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Are you more of a baker or a cook??? I’ll let you guess what I am. What’s your favorite holiday movie??? I love Elf. LOVE. IT.
Hugs and High Fives,
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Aww, kitchen flops make for perfect stories and cute blogs, though 😉 I’m a bit of both, although I’m finding that I prefer baking!
I’m not a baker at all since I can never follow a recipe… That’s why I really don’t bake… But I love to cook and experiment, and it usually turns out quite well!
Love the cookies!
That is brave that you created the recipe. I mean think of how many trial and error runs cooks/bakers have to do before they perfect their creations.
I am definitely more of a cook.
Been there, done that. And yes, syrup makes everything better. EVERYTHING. Buddy the Elf is a wise man.
Syrup is one of the 4 food groups.
I love baking w/ recipes (and tweak them to my liking) and cooking without. Weird I know. I love Elf too but The Lover cannot stand Will Ferrell. Not that it stops me from watching Blades of Glory!
I don’t know if I have a favorite holiday movie. Aww now I’m sad.
Brent can’t stand Jack Black.
Blades of Glory is funny. I also really really like Talladaga (Sp) Nights.
hahaha! sorry about your bad luck in the kitchen. maybe try a recipe next time… just an idea.
He he!!! I know… who would have thought of such a thing!
I prefer cooking…because that usually doesn’t involve lots of butter and sugar.
favorite holiday movie? Jim Carrey’s The Grinch-my kids and i have a list of the funny lines so we can use them throughout the season! The Elf is our 2nd….again…a lot of funny one-liners there!
I’ve never watched The Grinch. I must do that!
We are obviously related because my cookies look like that even when I do use a recipe. Grant is the cookie maker in our family and I’m the griller, figures.
He he!! I can totally see you as “the griller”!
ELF is possibly the most all-time watched movie in my blended household.
God bless you and your attempts!
I am definitely not a baker. Baking is too mathematic and exact for my taste. I like cooking b/c I can add what I feel like however much I want of it and it can still turn out good.
Thank you. I think that’s why I like cooking better too. Too much science involved in baking.
You are so amazingly awesome! This is SO something I would do. Especially the part about trying to “save” them by making them into muffins. Ahhh… so glad I’m not the only one who does this!
I’m a baker. You get an A for effort!
He he! Thank you.
Bahaha. I’m not laughing with you. I’m laughing at you. Only because it’s really so dang funny! If it makes you feel any better I had about 3 kitchen fails myself recently. I threw a lot of stuff in the trash which pained me and saved me at the same time. But you are right about the syrup.
phshhhh! You should have seen the number of flops I had in culinary school no less! The best chef make flops! Julia Child did a Cristmas special with Martha Stewart where they made croquembouche (a tower of creme puffs). Julia warbled, “Oh, I like yours!†as we see Martha’s perfect OCD pyramid of cream puffs. They then they panned to Julia’s, which looked like a pile of rocks.