Fluffy Friday: Glamour Girevik Goes Grok
What do kettlebell certifications, microwaves, and raccoons all have in common?
They make me nervous. Tomorrow is my second official taekwondo tournament and I’m a bit nervous. Okay so I’m really nervous. Considering MMA Mama beat me in the last tournament giving me a nasty bruise adding injury to insult 😉 , I think my nervousness is justified. Wondering IF she is going be there is more worrisome than the tournament itself. Next week I’ll do a recap…if I live. Just kidding the sparring is totally controlled and fully padded. It’s nothing like a “real fight”. It’s actually really fun especially for a girl who grew up with pictures of Rocky taped in her junior high locker while all the other girls had New Kids on the Block pictures. Weirdos.
As of late I’ve felt like I’ve come across a bit more beastly than I actually am. Sure I may love picking up heavy stuff just for fun and sparring until I can’t breathe but I also love glitter nail polish, red lipstick, fake eyelashes, and cozy leopard print pj’s. Not all the same time…the make up and the pj’s that is. I’m feminine, really I am.
This picture, as ridiculous as it is, captures my two sides, the glamour girevik (Russian word for kettlebeller) even though my nails are all chewed down.
BTW Brent took that for project someone is putting together. I just don’t put on eyelashes and grab a kettlebell for photos.
My 30 Day Primal Challenge is going well, three days into it. I’m enjoying the “challenge” going “Grok“. After leaning out and training the last few months for the RKC, I found myself sort of bored and not sure what to focus on next so the primal challenge is a perfect fit. I need mini-goals to keep me focused, excited, and on track with the big picture.
Lastly, I saw this older but good post on Planet Green, 7 Foods So Unsafe That Even Farmers Won’t Eat Them. I love it when I read an article and I can feel all self righteous. Don’t you? 😉 Actually, I’m really sad about the tomatoes. I LOVE canned tomatoes for the flavor and the convenience.
Does anyone else ever feel like you have two sides equally important but totally opposite? What about that list? Do you follow some, none, or all of it? I would say I follow all of it 90% of the time. Does anyone know if Muir Glen and Trader Joe’s canned tomatoes have BCA in the lining?
Have a great weekend!
Hugs and High Fives,
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Is that pic of you b/c daaaamn, girl!
I do feel like I have two of me that are totally different and crazy but it’s ME so yeah. 😉
I had to google “girevik”.
Grok it up, girl. 😉
Once again, I have to say that I love you. Rocky poster in your locker? You rule. Plus, that is a seriously HOT photo!
There are at least 2 sides to me…probably more. I can be 2 sides of the same coin at the same time. Its weird, but its me.
I didn’t know you were doing the primal challenge! I am trying to eat more grok-esque, but really the whole no-cookie thing is what keeps me from fully commiting. I mean, yeah, its only 30 days, but 30 days without cookies would make me miserable.
I’m down with everything but the tomatoes on that list. Especially since my tomato plants are being stubborn right now.
Good luck this weekend. Here’s hoping MMA mama isn’t there, but if she is, kick her butt!
I LOOOOVVVVEEEE that pic of you! Seriously, you are model gorgeous. Also, I heart fake eyelashes. I’d wear them every day if I could get away with it. I think I’m a lot like you that way – I like to get really burly with my workouts (I curl more than most men I know) and yet I love wearing my workout skirts/dresses. Yes, I have multiple. Vintage is my fave! You see that Tulle contest? You should totally enter!!!
Awesome picture of you!! LOVE it!!
uuuummm…you are GORGEOUS!
Wow, I love the photos up there, too! The kettleball glamour…THAT is a money shot!!!! (better get a copyright on that one quick) You are a beautiful person and I love reading your stuff. Yes, I have so many different parts of who I am…not so clearly defined as you, yet, but I’ll get there. =) Can’t wait to here if MMA Mama was in the house and if you got to bruise her back. 😉 he he
Wow …. To look the hot and classy with a kb or not – u go girl!!! I still can’t lift for another week (gallbladder surgery ;( )
But u inspire me 😉
whoa that pic of you is stunning!!!!! I hope we get to see more like that
have a great week, Jenn!!
What a gorgeous picture of you!!! And I love that you embrace your feminine side but also can still be hardcore. 😀
HI GORGEOUS!! Oh dear. I realize now that we haven’t heard from you- I hope that you lived to tell the tale of your tourney!!
And yes, that is a stunningly gorgeous photo of you- model, supermodel gorgeous.
I do follow the guidelines except the popcorn (daily, although believe it or not, now I’m just popping it in the microwave (!) in my plastic (!) microwave popping bowl, and last night we had canned tomatoes (why is it different than with other canned foods?).
Primal eating? Need to follow up on that. Is it like Mark’s daily apple?
I’ll shoot you an email!
Ok please ignore me- it WAS Mark’s daily apple. And I read again about the acidity in tomatoes (what about citrus, etc?!). Hugs!