Fluffy Friday : “Reality TV Breeds New Body Ideals”
Title is from a headline on CNN.
New body ideal?
Since when is slender (so they’re not stick thin) with big breasts & full butts “new“?
Since the last Maxim cover?
(Don’t even get me started on the above headlines.)
Admittedly, I’ve never watched the show.
I haven’t had tv for over 10 years and I’ve chosen not too because I would be tempted to watch bs like this.
If our culture isn’t telling us we are too fat
then they are telling us we are too skinny, too flat, too boxy, too short, too straight, too….
If this is the “new ideal” I still only know a handful of women who fit it and it’s not me.
What about the naturally very thin woman?
Gorge on Big Macs?
What about athletic women who put on muscle easily?
Quit working out?
What about the curvy on the bottom, flat on the top women?
Breast implants?
What about the curvy on the top, flat on the bottom women?
Butt implants?
What about the broad shouldered with narrow hips women?
Fat transfer to hips?
What about the straight waisted women?
Remove a few ribs?
I could go on. My point is #$%!@* ideals.
This obsession with “ideals” is NUTS.
You are beautiful with curves or not. You are beautiful because you are YOU.
Take care of your body because it’s YOURS.
We will make body image progress when we celebrate ALL body types not just the “fashion models” or the “hour glasses” or God knows what’s next.
I’m not buying it.
I’m beautiful because I said so and so are YOU.
Moving on…
I wrote a guest post over on Making Food and other Stuff.
Please go check it out.
Have an awesome weekend!
Hugs and High Fives,
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I was talking to a buddy today about how women are under so much more social pressure than us guys. I feel for you. Not even just the media’s ideals but the needless judgmental looks women give each other for whatever reasons. Woman are hostile to each other. If I was a woman I’d either have an eating disorder or never go out. Good for those who have sufficient confidence just to stroll about as you are.
Amen, sistah. One of the myriad of reasons I wanted to homeschool my girls is because I wanted them to get the idea early on that they are valuable because of who they are and what they are capable of, NOT because of how they look. I wanted to give them that foundation in case they ever did decide to go to school, land of being judged first and foremost for how you look and what clothes you wear, car you drive, etc. Of course that wasn’t the sole reason, but it definitely factored in.
F#@& ideals is right on. Ideal body? There’s no such thing.
great post jenn!
Totally agree! People spend too much time trying to look like someone else and achieve goals that are unattainable. Everyone needs to learn to love you for being you and realizes no one else can have that perfect body with the perfect imperfections that each person has to make them unique!
YES! YES! YES! I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. I am so glad that I can look at my body now and appreciate it for what it is, the misery the desire to look ideal caused me for a long time was awful.
Thank you! I was standing in line @ CVS today and noticed that four out of the six magazines were all screaming headlines about get your perfect beach body in 5 days and stuff like that. Arrrrrgh. If we could achieve that in five days, wouldn’t we all do that and look like that?? I hate the media sometimes.
amen to this post jenn!
i am so sick of ppl criticizing other ppl. Just mind your own damn biz and worry about your body and not leaving neg comments to me about mine is all i gotta say to these ppl!
you are beautiful, of cousre, and i hope you have a super weekend w/ your fam!
I just pray my girls have more self-esteem then I did growing up … it’s a hostile body-image world out there.
Great post Jenn!
Thanks for stopping by!
I loved this post…it’s so true.
Ugh. I just hate the term “bikini body.” I hate that women think they need to strap on a small piece of material to feel a sense of self-worth. I hate that people still think it’s possible to lose 4 lbs a week. I hate that celebrities use their images to endorse this ideal, and that editors think it’s okay to perpetuate this. It’s a sad state of affairs.
It reminds me of how Victoria Secrets models are now called curvy. It is just all madness.
What a GREAT post! You said it!!!
I love that you called out the mags for the Kim Kardashian body insanity. You are so right. She’s gorgeous. And she’s thin and beautiful. Nothing “new” about it. Loved this; “We will make body image progress when we celebrate ALL body types not just the “fashion models†or the “hour glasses†or God knows what’s next.” So true!!
Great post! Thanks for stopping by the domestic fringe and leaving a comment. Hope you come to visit again.
LOVE THIS! i wish magazines stopped focusing so much on weight and diets and the kardashians who have this ideal body but then go ahead and are the spokeswoman for quick trim, a diet supplement…HELLLLOOO?!?! that doesnt make sense
and then beyonce on one of those mags gets blasted for her ‘not so bikini body’ because she had one bad picture taken…i mean really…what is this world coming too!!
amazing post! we are all beautiful
I’m so over these types of mags! Also, what is w/ the pressure for moms – new or otherwise – to drop all the post-baby weight? I don’t understand this mentality. At all! Great post.
I’m new to your blog and loving it!
I LOVE this post. Sending a shout out to all you beautiful women! YOU ROCK. I vote for a Real Body Appreciation Week…Month…Year!!
I love the fact that you embrace your fabo attitude about bodies/body image. I try try try but always fall prey to being my own worst enemy. Sadly I buy all those magazines (there, I admitted it) as if they will tell me some secret of which I’m not aware (durrr). And I get down on myself when I gain a few pounds. I wish i could embrace my ‘womanly’ hips more and just say ‘it is what it is’ but so far I haven’t been able to join in that march of freedom from ideals. Sigh. All I can say is ‘sigh’. But I commend you for bringing this up and to the forefront of peoples minds. Kudos Jenn.
My wife and I have been very blessed in our lives. We have also lived truhogh very tight times ( I. E., blood donations.) We have always felt the love if others. Many times, we picked up the bill for another at a resturant. Other times we paid for another’s groceries. Another time we put together a baby shower for a lady we never met who left an abusive home. Instead of money, we gave a man in the rain a sleeping bag, a coat, and accessories along with a gift card for a meal at Denny’s. When my wife ad I ran into financial issues, we were blessed by people who remained anonymous with a $500 gift card twice. We always asked why. We had a very hard time accepting. Why us? LovePay it forward It will come back when needed