Fast as a Slug.
Update: You can read my FULL REVIEW of the Bodybugg V3 here!
I did something impulsive.
I emptied my sock drawer. Not of socks but of the last of my birthday money. I was planning on buying a pair of designer jeans.
Instead I got this.
See the black thing on my arm.
That’s my new Bodybugg V3 with the digital display.
(Mr. Bones is hanging out in the corner. I’m not creepy. He is for our homeschool.)
I get to be obsessive YIPPPPEEE!!!!!!
I’m only sort of being sarcastic. I’m a very unstable creative type so making charts and counting helps me to feel like I have it together grounded.
It’s even good for me. Ask my husband. Unlike a lot of people, I don’t mind counting. It works well….
…when I do it.
Since August I’ve put on 12 pounds. I’m NOT unhappy with the way I look BUT I have my RKC certification coming up in August. One of the requirement is I have to be able to pass the snatch test (100 snatches in 5 minutes or less) with the 12K (26lb) kettlebell. If I don’t meet the weight requirement I will have to test with the 16K (35lb) kettlebell. If you have done kettlebells you know what a HUGE difference there is between the 12K and the 16K. Fact of the matter is I won’t be able to pass if I have to use the 16K. No amount of positive thinking will give me strength that is just not there. I mentioned all of this a few months ago but instead of losing I’ve been gaining. I know why. I knew before I got the Bodybugg. Where did my motivation go? I dunno.
I needed some motivation.
I’ve only been wearing it for two days this is what I’ve learned so far.
I sit way too much.
I have the metabolism of a slug.
Not really. I have an average metabolism. Problem is I am now spending much of my day sitting in front of the computer or on the couch. I first noticed a gain in weight last year when I started homeschooling. Why? Because I was no longer running back and forth to school and rushing to get things done before they get home. Instead I spend a good chunk of my day cuddled up with my kiddos on the couch reading. Good for the soul and brain.
Not so much for the body.
The Bodybugg serves as a fun little reminder to clean my house take the stairs. Amazing how much daily activity “adds up”.
Truth be told, I’ve been wanting a Bodybugg V3 for a long time because I secretly hoped I wasn’t eating enough despite eating my body weight in nut butter more and gaining.
Crazy, I know.
I have read 5 million reviews and there were a few people who discovered they weren’t eating enough so they started eating more and lost weight. I prayed that would be me even though all evidence told me otherwise.
One can hope.
What I’m really excited for are my plans to conduct “rogue experiments” and to write reviews for the world my readers about this fun little digital device oddly named the Bodybugg.
I also started a new food journal. Accountability is key for me. I’m going to be posting my meals everyday until I reach my goal. I’m calling it “Operation Six Pack” although I should have called it “Dear God. Please help. I don’t want to fail the RKC.”
To be honest, I wouldn’t mind rebirthing The Abbeys though.
(That was so gratuitous.)
To all of you long time subscribers don’t worry, you will not be getting pictures of apples and almonds in your inbox. I created a whole new exciting blog just for that because we all know the internet needs more pictures of food.
Update: You can read my FULL REVIEW of the Bodybugg V3 here!
Hugs and High Fives,
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I’m so jealous! I’ve been dying to buy one of those- where did you get yours from?
Hey April!!! I got my Bodybugg from the 24 hour gym in town. However you can buy them online at or from I saw there was a $10 discount code at 24 hour Fitness. I’ve been wanting one for months and I’ve noticed the prices change every month. I’ve missed all the really good deals. Costco had them at one point with a 12 month subscription.
I’ve always wanted to try a BodyBugg or Fitbit!!! I’m excited to see how this goes for you – keep me posted. You’ll get those pounds off in plenty of time for your cert., I’m sure. And holy-freakin-cow – is that picture your abs?! Those are amazing. I’ve never in my life had abs that looked like that.
PS> I LOVEloveLOVE all those dress sites you sent me. I signed up for all the mailing lists:) Modcloth has been a longtime fave of mine – got my killer retro swimsuit there!
Thanks! Yeah those are “The Abbeys” referring to “sextuplets”. Right now they are loving their blankies tho” 😉
Glad you liked the sites. I figured you probably know of some or all of them.
I’m a comfortable counter too
I dunno, I just LIKE knowing how many calories I’m eating and it would be even neater knowing how many calories I’m burning! Although, as if I need another reason to feel guilty about sitting on my butt all day 😛
I am so excited for you!!! I will be reading your comments and reviews of the Bugg as I continue to obsess about wanting one myself – I too hope I am not eating enough (but I am pretty sure we both knew the truth to begin with) And I will be subscribing to your other blog.
Thanks for unintentionally making my day!
Well, now i want one!!! 😉
Look forward to the new blog….the nosey part of me is stoked!!! I’m always wondering what the hect other people eat all day!
Dude that little bug is on my wish list. Jealous.
I know you aren’t happy about the weight gain, but this post cracked me up. You have such a great sense of humor about the whole thing! I’m looking forward to reading about it!
whoa. those are your abs?!!! Girl. Where have you been keeping those. Or shall i say WHY have you been keeping those from me! THat motivates me to see that!
The INBA..yes! My trainer said the same things you did, smaller, not as cut throat and disorganized at times LOL
Looking fwd to the new blog and congrats on taking the 1st steps to make some changes!
Ha! Thanks! I’ve been keeping them warm under their blankies. 😉 You have an awesome six pack girl!
ok, your abs are amazing! i have seen abs like that, at least on someone i know! thanks again for this morning!
I can’t wait to hear how you like it! =)
Mr. Bones made me laugh. You’re gonna be looking awesome with that on your arm all the time in warm weather
I wanna see those last 12 go so that your RKC will be attainable.
I used a Go Wear Fit during my comp prep and it was fun to see how much your daily activity can burn. I enjoyed seeing the numbers. For me, it ended up getting a bit obsessive so I know its not the best option for me to use. But I think for some people, like you, it can be the perfect motivation. Glad you decided to splurge on something you think will work for you and that you wanted.
The abbeys! I remember the first time you posted that photo. Great motivation for yourself! I always look at my own abbeys photos for a luck in the rear. Bodybugg…totally want one! I love countough and numbers, like you. This post gad me dying of laughter with all the crossed out words! You’re the very best.
Ahhh I love my BodyBugg! Congratulations on the best purchase you’ve ever made! I, too, am a chart-making, obsessive counter…and the BodyBugg just takes all of the guess work out of the calories you burn. Enjoy it 😀
I’m totally a person who loves counting too! If I didn’t count calories I think I would have had a much harder time losing weight. Looking forward to hearing how you do with the Bodybugg.
So happy you got your BB! And of course wishing you all the best to get to weight so you can use the 12Ker!!! YOU CAN DO IT! Also enjoying your eats blog 😉
I remember the Abbeys post too. Ahhh, so absolutely amazing those abbeys of yours!
Oooh Jenn, I want a Bodybug. Can’t wait to read what you think about it.
Your abs, I have no words…oh wait, yes I do. ENVY.
You WILL pass. You will!
Eeeee! You will LOVE it! I earned my BB through my gym and it’s not the digital screen one but it is by far my favorite gadget I have ever owned. I geek out over it almost every day I wear it.
I was one of those people who was shocked to find that I burn a lot more than I thought I did. I’m really interested to see what you find. And can’t wait for the crazy experiments. Let the obsessive nerdery begin!
OMG the abs. holy meow cow that’s nutters! Love Mr Bones keeping an eye on you. Yes, sitting on the couch makes a difference and so does being home near a fridge & pantry. You will be motivated though. When you are ready.
I am a total gadget/counting/record keeping numbers freakazoid so I’m sure I’d love the BB. I have enough to obsess about already with my Daily Plate and my Heart Rate Monitor. The BB would be more accurate for the whole day though- I don’t exactly know how it works.
Glad you started your online journal. I checked out the “about” but haven’t seen your eats yet. Can’t wait to see the Apple&FiveAlmonds posts- bring it!
Im kind of partial to this post
Your goal is awesome – keep me posted on your progress!
Nothing but fustration, stopped working after 2 weeks.
On the phone with Tech support for a total of 2 hrs trying to repair and reset it via computer to no avail waited 2 weeks to receive rreplacement. Total waiting time on my tries to contact Tech support, 2 hrs. 40 min, asked to speak with a supervisor told he would call back, still waiting. If agravation burns calories I should be at my goal weight by now. If you purchase this, GOOD LUCK
Thanks for sharing your experience Jane. I’m so sorry you have been frustrated. I’ve had my fair share of frustration too with it. Unfortunately, I had to return it and plan do a full review soon. I hope everything works out for you.
How are you feeling about your bodybugg lately?
I’m thinking of ordering one.
Hey Michelle! I actually ended up returning it. (I’ve been working on a Bodybugg review post for weeks.) In short, I kept having too many technical difficulties with it. I ended up buying a GoWear Fit instead and haven’t had one problem. The Bodybugg problems might have been due to the fact I use Mac computers so if you use a PC it might not give you the same problems. I dunno.
Problems aside I LOVED using the Bodybugg. Super motivational. I love my Gowear Fit even more b/c it hasn’t given me the problems I had with the Bodybugg and it tracks sleep. The Bodybugg did not.
Whatever you do I WOULD NOT recommend purchasing a Bodybugg from 24 Hour Fitness. Their customer service STINKS. Buy it directly from Apex. Even though Apex said I could return it, 24 Hour Fitness gave me over a weeklong runaround wasting much of my valuable time. Then it took them a month to give me my refund. The people from Apex were really nice and kept emailing me to see how my return status was. Seriously, even if it’s a few bucks more from Apex (b/c you usually have to pay for shipping) it is TOTALLY WORTH IT in the event something goes wrong or you have problems with it.
After using both the Bodybugg and the GoWear Fit I would recommend the GoWear Fit.
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