Candy. Soda Pop. Fun?
Last week, I was sad. It happens.
On my way home from errands I decided to stop here because I was depressed hot and wanted a cool drink. And a distraction from the aching feeling that my life wasn’t enough. (Ultimately, I know I am enough but sometimes it just doesn’t feel like it.)
“Candy, Soda Pop, Fun.“
Fun? That’s what I needed so I thought about getting these.
(Is it just me or does that M&M guy have an evil look on his face?)
But then I realized I would need these…
and these…
and I would have to “try” these…
and these…
In fact, I could eat every last ounce of sweet sugary distraction and I would still be me. Only disappointed and with a tummy ache.
So instead I got this.
Ingredients: Pure Juice made from apple, white grape, and peace juice concentrates, sparkling water, citrus acid, and natural flavors, gum arabic, beta carotene, red radish concentrate.
I was pretty good.
Two years ago I would have eaten everything in the store and then cried myself to sleep.
That’s not fun.
Do I miss things like M&Ms and Swedish Fish? Sure, for about 5 minutes but then I remember that every choice has it’s consequence.
That’s key.
For me.
Moderation is a beautiful thing when possible.
Ironically, I’m walking out the door to go here. Going for the mini-roadtrip and time with friends not for the cupcakes. Although if they have one made with honey I’ll be sure to enjoy it. I’m loving life today and I love you!!!
If you haven’t entered my first giveaway please do!!!!!
Check out Deb’s post about our first kettlebell workout! Now Deb IS fun!!!
Hugs and High Fives,
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deb IS fun! and so are you. and so is izze! it is marshall’s favorite drink and we are having them at our wedding. i am glad you arent sad anymore
have a fun weekend!
Way to go Jenn! Glad to see your strength in action
I am such a sugar addict… good job on resisting!
Swedish Fish are a favorite of mine that I save as treats every once in awhile… so addicting!
MMM, dont’ you love Izze? I love the Clementine/Orange flavor!
Your mini-roadtrip sounds like a lot of fun. (BTW you look gorgeous as always in the pic wearing the sundress and awesome bag!)
Happy weekend! Love you too!
I’ve never seen those sodas! I’m actually not a big carbonated fan though.. it doesn’t settle well with my stomach! LOL.
You look so cute in that dress!
Whoppers are my all time childhood fave. Haven’t tried the Strawberry, and don’t really want to because then I would have to eat EVERY WHOPPER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!
I have such a love-hate relationship with sugar! Meaning that I adore candy (and those strawberry woppers are DELISH) but I feel like crap after I eat it. Headachy, tired, nauseated even. So I try to avoid it. Try being the operative word. Have a great road trip!
PS> (Your dress is adorbs!)
That york peppermint candy woulda been hard for me to turn down! nice goin.
i havent tried an izzie, looks and sounds tasty though.
I LOVE candy, and it is nearly impossible for me to resist, so I am incredibly impressed with your restraint!
I keep meaning to say that I love that you sign off with hugs and HIGH FIVES! I am a total high fiver.
haha, funny thing about m&m’s. gosh, several days ago, I had a werid dream that the red m&m was an involved suspect in a murder. I forgot the details because it wasn’t the main point of my dream, it was about a boy, but the m&m was randomly in it…what the hell.
Maybe I’ll be like you in two years – able to resist. Good job!
Maybe? Yes. Yes. I will be able to resist. Of course.
I think.
wow that’s allottttta candy and i kinda love it
and the comment you left me re competitions and all the other jazz…i had no idea you did them??!! I need to read your bio and stuff better, huh! Anyway would LOVE to pick your brain and of course, any tidbits, random whatever, you want to throw my way, im all ears. Anything you think i must know, fill me in!
And my brain cells already forgot, when will you be in town? In like 3-4 weeks, right? there are 3 lovely bloggers coming here all within like the nex 6 weeks and i cant keep you all straight
I’ve always wanted to try Izze but never have, I think I shall next time I see one.
Good for you resisting the sugar when you know that it doesn’t work for you. And you do look absolutely femmie and breezy and sweet in your sun dress- love it.
Funny you should bring up sweets b/c I have never thought that I was ‘addicted’ and always was able to have just a few bites here or there and be OK with that. For the last 3 or 4 weeks my cravings have been way low for sugar. I seriously credit acupuncture and i’m really a western-not alternative- health type of gal. I just have no other explanation for it.
Can’t wait to hear about your day trip to the cupcake store with your bloggie friends!
I am such the candy lover! I can easily pass on baked goods but Swedish Fish and Haribo gummies are hard to pass up! Congrats to you, I don’t know if I could’ve left that store with just a soda!
So glad to find your blog as well! I do have a nice relationship with sugar. I moderate a lot, but do enjoy the occasional Dove chocolate or homemade brownie.
Great job!!! I love the photos, too. Sugar is such a drug to our brain…I’ve gotten it almost completely out of my life, except for a dessert treat with a free meal. I’ve been a sugar addict almost my whole life. My dad raised us from second grade on so we had know idea what balanced nutrition was (or vegetables)…not until I was in my early 20’s. Drinking Dr. Pepper through a red licorice straw was a regular event. Sugar kept me alive when my dad was out of work…and potatoes. 😉 lol I am so much better off without it now…I even learned to drink my coffee black in 2007…that was a miracle. Mmmm. Speaking of coffee…
Thanks Jenn, have a beautiful day!!! Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Jenn, what a poignant post. No matter how well-adjusted we are, how self-confident, or how loved, we still have days when we are just sad.
I just love the way you wrote about this, and how you worked through it. And yikes. I made the mistake of clicking on the cupcake place. What an amazing list of cupcake flavors! Hope your day was so fun. I noticed they are in Solvang. One of my favorite childhood places to visit.
just read this one
and glad to see that you joined raya on her cupcake outing! did you guys have fun? do you recommend the place?
I used to drink sodas all the time but now I am Drinking Water To Lose Weight!