Bring it 2010.
Yay. An “opportunity” to grow in character already this year. This evening, I got a message that the kitchen in our rental had flooded and we are still 2000 miles away on vacation. Thanks 2010 for the great start.
I haven’t been on the computer much because I’ve been spending as much time as possible with my family. However, I love the excitement of New Years Day and I was looking forward to sitting down with my inner cheerleader to write about the wonderful possibilities for all of us in 2010. Instead, I’m sitting here worrying about the tenants, wondering how we are going to pay for the damage, cussing under my breath, and praying that today isn’t indicative of the year to come.
The kitchen flooded because some tree roots have grown into the drain pipe so when the dishwasher ran last night it couldn’t drain anywhere…but the kitchen. Every year I start out with strong intentions ready to wash away all the stuff holding me back from my full potential. You know “this is year I’m really gonna….” but without fail my old habits, like the roots, will slowly begin creep back into my life. I think this is why some people refuse to make resolutions. They know that they won’t be able to stick with them so why bother. On one hand, I get it. But, on the other, why let your past determine your future? Setbacks are a part of life. I’m human. I have issues. I have old habits that die hard. I take three steps forward and two steps back. Sometimes, I forget the steps all together and just sit down to throw a fit. But you know what? A good life takes some extra effort and despite not always believing it, I am worth it. And so are you. This year is like any other year. I’m working on some new resolutions and setting some new goals. Like other New Years, I’m super motivated right now but it won’t be long until that motivation starts waning. The bad habits will start creeping in like the roots in the drain pipe but you know what? I got a shovel ready and I am a little stronger than last year and I bet you are too.
Bring it 2010. I’m ready. We’re ready.
By the way, this year is full of possibilities. Let 2010 be YOUR YEAR!!!!!
Great post…very encouraging
Oh man, so sorry about the darn tree roots.
We had the same exact thing happen (roots/pipes) in the fall and it wasn’t pretty … *sigh*
Loved the post. Very you and very inspiring. I am so excited for 2010 too! Happy New Year Jenn – hope you are enjoying your family! xo
My husbands been a plumbing contractor for over 20years. He may be able to give you a better price 766-0518.
Good Luck!
Thanks Andi!
Happy New Year everyone!
Thanks for the motivation. I am looking forward to being stronger this year and the next and the next.