Beach Bloggers
My blog is not new but I’m new to “blogging”. Let me explain. I’ve been writing and silently reading a few other blogs for a while now. Recently, with Janetha’s encouragement, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and interact with other bloggers. Don’t roll your eyes. It’s not easy when you are still coming to terms with being called “Beatlejuice” in high school. Yesterday I was lucky enough to meet one of my new friends, Deb from Smoothie Girl Eats Too. Deb and I met at the beach for kettlebells and…but what else…smoothies! Deb was every bit as lovely, thoughtful, kind, and funny in person as she is online. She even brought me a gift.
A smoothie starter pack: Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Crystal Light, Moo Magic, Zunko, and one of her homemade nut butters made with hazel nuts and cocoa power. It had disappeared by noon this morning. Nuff said. 😉
I, always charming, brought her…coffee breath. (Sigh) Oh wait, I also prepared a kettlebell workout.
First we warmed up with swings, around the worlds, halos, and an overhead walk.
Deb and Jenn’s KB workout. (Clever, I know.)
Swings – 30
Heartbeat Squats – 5 w/5 pulses
Bear Crawls – Distance guessing it 20 ft (We did a modified version and later substituted Renegade Rows)
Swings – 30
Military Press – 5 each arm
Tactical Lunges – Distance
Swings – 30
Windmills – 5 each side
Hot Potatoes – 30 seconds
The idea was to do all exercises back to back with as little rest as possible and repeat for a total of 3x. However, Deb and I were having waaaaaay too much fun and what could have taken us 20 minutes took an hour and a half! It was all good though, according to Deb’s heart rate monitor she burned 800 calories! Maybe the results from the ACE study are more attainable than I thought. Afterwards, we plopped down in the sand to chat and three and a half hours later, we shuffled up the hill back to our cars.
Our cars are on the other side of that hill. Deb carrying 2 bells = 44 lbs of iron and I one bell = 35lb. Mmmmm…hope she wants to hang out again. 😉
For the ride home, Deb gave me her famous PB&J smoothie to-go. It was thick and sweet but not too sweet with a slight tart (and it matched my shirt, hat, water bottle and water socks…I forget about first impressions). This girl knows how to makes smoothies. Delicious! A PERFECT end to a perfect day!
Thanks Deb!!!
Hugs and High Fives,
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That smoothie starter pack looks like everything you’d ever need.
I have been wanting to try the “gums” in my smoothies. They seem to make it so thick and good, but I just haven’t gotten around it to it yet.
It looks like you had a wonderful day with a new friend. Can’t beat that!
Jenn! After making me lug those KBs all the way back to the car, there’s no way I’m hanging out with you ever again! hahah! Kidding of course!
I had sooooo much fun and your workout was killah! Let me see, all the body parts that are sore: Lats, Rhomboids, obliques, intercostals, tricep, adductors, glutes. That’s all, no biggie.
You train me with KBs, I’ll pay you in smoothies- deal? Oh and we have to hit some great eats in the Bu, too!
PS. NExt time don’t wear all pink or I might think you’re a girly girl! Haha! 😀
Thanks again for a super time!
what a great blogger meetup :)!
Sounds like you guys had a great time!
You girls look fantastic!!! And 800 calories burned??!!!!! SIGN ME UP ASAP! lol
So glad you have a great first meet-up – loved reading about it
Ahh, this sounds like so much fun! Awww…. to live by a beach.
Thanks for sharing your great time!
what fun!! Thanks for posting that workout.. I’m adding it to my list!
P.S. I remember you saying you had gained some weight or something… but I think you look tiny and fantastic!
ugh, i am beyond jealous!! but i will go ahead and take credit for this love connection
Oh my gosh what a perfect day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So awesome to workout on the beach!!!!! Lucky girls!! How sweet is Debbie, I have seen her blog, and she has the best smoothie recipes ever!!! I must try her PB&J one!!!!!
Glad you had a great day!!! xoxoox
It is one of my goals in life to meet Deb of Smoothiegirl fame! And now I want to add you to the list too – I HEART the kettlebells! Looks like you two had a blast!
PS> Zunko?!?!
man, wish I could have joined that worked. Sounds awesome!!
Deb sent me over here! and she Also sent me to Charlotte Great Fit Exp and since Deb is an awesome lady and friend, wanted to say hi. So is Janetha!
I live in Phoenix at the moment but am headed “home” to San Diego hopefully within the next few mos…looks like you may be So Cal girl?
So jealous you got to meet Deb!! And very jealous of your smoothie kit!! Looks like a fun day! Your blog is adorable!!
Ah, Deb’s infamous PB&J Smoothie – you lucky girl!
Kettlebells are HARD work, but you guys made it fun. Totally rocked the beach.
Fun, fun, fun! Except the kettlebell part 😉 Youc an count me in for future meet-ups that include the beach and/or smoothies, though 😉
I love this workout, can’t wait to try it!!!