Walk the Talk
You know the saying, “the cobbler’s children have no shoes”?
In my case it would be, “the swinger’s children have no…” Oh never mind.
What I’m trying to say (and failing miserably) is that I don’t want to be an out of shape trainer. I want to be a trainer that walks the talk. While I know I’m a long way from being out of shape, I also acknowledge I’m not as in good of shape as I was last summer. Last summer, I could do multiple pull ups and could snatch the 35lb kettlebell 100 times in less than 5 minutes. I’m not upset about my loss of strength (what good would getting upset do) but I do want to and will be there again.
So every Monday I’m going to post my workout schedule and meal plan for the week. My blogger buddy, Andrea, does this and I always enjoy seeing her lists so I thought someone might enjoy mine and it will help keep me motivated.
I’ve been meal planning for YEARS. In fact, I don’t know how people who don’t meal plan manage. Truly. Meal planning saves me so much time and money. I can’t imagine not doing it. My meal plan is based off of the food that comes in our CSA box and what we already have which right now includes a lot beef. A few weeks ago we bought 1/8 of steer and we got over 40 lbs of local organic grassfed beef for about $6.50 a pound. A fantastic price when you consider that this includes all sort of cuts including filet mignon and grass fed ground beef is almost $6 alone at the store. I really recommend looking into splitting a whole cow with someone if you like beef.
Monday – Going to make up a recipe using the English peas from my CSA box with chicken, sautéed kale
Tuesday – Hamburgers, Salad, Grilled Artichokes
Wednesday – Baked Potatoes, Squash Soup (this is one of my fav recipes) and Salad
Thursday – Fitbloggin’
Friday – Fitbloggin’
Saturday – Fitbloggin’
Sunday – Chili (Will make ahead of time and freeze so I don’t have to cook the day I get home.)
Sticking to a food plan is much much easier for me than sticking to a workout schedule. When it comes to working out I can think of about 800 things I’d rather be doing but it’s important. It’s more than important it’s essential to my and my family’s well being. I also know once I get started I always enjoy myself.
Monday – 30 Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout (either before or after I teach my kettlebell class)
Tuesday – Taekwondo class and walk with my friend.
Wednesday – 30 Minute Full Body Kettlebell Workout (again before or after I teach my kettlebell class)
Thursday – Fitbloggin’
Friday – Fitbloggin (Depending on the number of people coming to our “Kettlebell Talk” we may get in a KB workout)
Saturday – Fitbloggin’
Sunday – Long walk with Brent to catch up after being apart.
By the way, thank you so much for your encouraging words on my last post. I’m feeling much better. Thank you.
Do you write down your food and fitness plans for the week? Is one or the other easier for you?
Hugs and High Fives,
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Looking forward to it!!!!
I’ve been working on a 5 week meal plan that I can rotate so I don’t have to plan each week. It does help a lot, I agree. I haven’t planned my workouts. Not sure why… I haven’t been working out regularly, either. Connection? Probably.
5 week meal plan! Genius idea!!!!!
Love this! As you know, planning is….uh, not my strongest point 😉 But, I am inspired by reading yours! OK….off i go, with pen and paper in hand! see ya later.
Hey! I didn’t ask about that plan today? Did you do it? 😉
ummm, kind of? my paper looks like this: mon, weds, fri work out w/jenn…… by then total confusion broke out at my house and lasted, well pretty much until now. i’m aiming for another attempt tomorrow. help a girl out with some meal plan suggestions, huh?
As you know, I like to plan.
And, like for you, meals are a lot easier than workouts, especially when “life happens.” I’m usually good at rescheduling missed workouts right away, but sometimes things just happen that prevent me from working out (like a really bad cold that won’t go away or infected blisters….). i am determined to make this the first “normal” workout week in a while…
I’ve been looking into buying some local grass-fed beef in bulk, but since we only eat beef once a week, I’ll have to make sure it’s not too much, especially since my freezer space is tiny… I think I’ll talk to some friends about sharing…
Have fun at fitbloggin’!!!!
Yeah I joined a group of women and together we bought 3 steers and I only took an 1/8 of one. I’m sure you will be able to find someone else in your same situation. I feel like it has been a really good investment.
I’m really bad at planning meals, and at cooking. I need to do WAY better, especially if I go on this migraine diet I’m considering.
I’m better at planning my workouts and sticking to them. I’ve still been a bit off schedule since we moved. I got sick, we’re still not unpacked, I have had a headache for two weeks…. but I still need to exercise! Thanks for the motivational reminder. Your posts almost always seem to be just what I need to hear/read at the time! xoxo
Planning is easier said than carried through. For the record, my workout today sucked.
I was trying to workout after my class but people kept wanting to talk so I finally just gave up. Another reason I love working out at the beach! Sounds like you have a lot going on. (((hugs)))
Ah, the beach sounds wonderful! I would like it if it would just get sunny here for longer than two minutes. We’ve had horrendous weather. Doesn’t help the migraines! Here’s to a better workout today for you.
Nope – don’t write either down! I do prefer to plan out our dinners a month in advance but i don’t plan what I’m going to eat on any given day. And we currently have 1/8 of a grassfed cow in our freezer too – best food investment ever! Love it.
Have fun at FitBloggin’! Wish I could be there to do your KB class with you! You’ll be awesome!!! (And be sure to get a pic of your lulu’ed butt;))
I wish you could be there too.
That’s so funny we both bought 1/8 of a cow! Random!
Glad that this list will be motivating for yourself and others.
For some reason, I do ok flying by the seat of my pants. I like to be impulsive and do what feels right at the moment and eat what I’m craving when I wake up that day. No right or wrong here- just apples and oranges. I always love to use up everything I’ve got. What would be extremely helpful one day is to go through the pantry and freezer and make a meal plan from there and don’t allow myself to go to the market except for produce and dairy until all of it is consumed!! One day!
Have fun at fitbloggin- you’ll do great!
That is exactly why we make a meal plan (to use up our food) and to save $$$. We can’t afford not to plan!! You should see my fridge at the end of the week…BARE! It is also a good way to make sure everyone in the family gets something they like at least one or two nights a week!
Great plan to write out your food and exercise schedule. Makes it so much easier to keep on track! Have a great time at Fitbloggin!
I do ok meal planning 1/2the time. My workout plans are struggling though. Maybe I’ll just start following your workout plans for the week
I do workout planning every Sunday night and meal planning is usually the night before. I used to do the meals 2 wks at a time for the family & it was too overwhelming for me but when I do it the night before, it’s so much easier!