Home Gyms and Hula Hoops
Today I decided I’m going to cancel my gym membership. My kids really want to take Tae Kwon Do and we can’t afford both. At first I was disappointed then I realized how blessed I am to be able to even have the choice.
The biggest challenge is going to be cleaning out my garage. Getting rid of that binder full of emails from my freshman year at college that I know I’ll want to read when I’m 87. Once that’s done I’ll have to learn how to stay disciplined to make working out a priority when I’m not paying for membership and laundry needs folded and there is email to be answered. It’s going to be an adjustment. I will “miss” the cardio machines. Now I’ll be running outside (“Thankfully” I live in a hilly area.) and I have an old but working treadmill. The high school is not far so I’m going to use that for sprint and bleacher workouts. As for my strength routines I don’t use many machines anyway. We have a bunch of old dumbbells that will work just fine although I’ll miss the pretty chrome ones at the gym. Most of all I’m going to miss my “gym friends”. All the people I know but don’t know. It’s just going to be out there in my garage and I’m likely to start talking to myself for company.
The exciting news is that parents train for free at the karate studio. Heee-ya!!! Extra cardio. It’s funny but today I remembered a list of things I want to do in my lifetime. I wrote it about it about 6 years ago when my second son was a baby and I was listening to The Art of Exceptional Living by Jim Rohn on a weekly basis. On that list was family martial arts. And ice skating. Ummmm… I think I need to update that list.
This will be good. At least that is how I’m choosing to look at it. I’ve pretty much had a gym membership since I was 16. I’m going to be forced to get creative with the equipment I have in my garage which includes a good size set of dumbbells, a stability ball, a medicine ball, a treadmill, a curl bar, and a treadmill. Oh and a hula hoop but I’m not sure if that counts. But HIIT cardio with the hula hoop would make a wonderfully ridiculous youtube video. Mmmmm????? We are going to hang a pull-up bar in the garage. And in the future I’d like to get a bench and an olympic bar. And my favorite a Bosu balance trainer. I think that’s it. I like simplicity. It forces me to get creative.
For those of you who work out at home I’d love to hear your pros and cons???
I’ve been a home workout-er for about 6 years—I too have the treadmill, good set of dumbells, stability ball, pull up bar, and a plethora of cardio videos for when the treadmill gets boring and the weather is lousy. I recently added a new set of bands, and my hubs and I cleaned up our bicycles last spring now that the kids are old enough to ride with us. I like it because it forces you to constantly try new things, and in THEORY, you’ll never get bored. Going to the gym, I think it’s easy to get stuck in a rut doing the same moves or using the same cardio equipment all the time, but thanks to the internet and my laptop, I’m able to just pull up a new workout and find new ways to work any given muscle group while I’m with my weights at home. Also, NetFlix is getting better with cardio videos, so I’m buying fewer and just rotating a new video through my subscription once in a while.
Of course, you might luck out—there was a new gym in my area that opened up recently and had intro memberships that cost $20!!!!! Who could pass that up? So now I’m back at the gym, but I see the value in working out and pushing yourself at home, so I do half and half. It’s a new adventure, and it may not seem as pretty and glamourous, but you’ll feel creative in a whole new way!
I only workout at home. Usually early in the morning before the kids wake. It is the only time I have. I have a junky bench (need a new one) , great treadmill, ab straps I hang off the kids playset (where I also do pullups), dumbells and a weight set and stability ball. I have a list of wants, but this is sufficient. Your posted w/o is great for home. I have been using it for a couple of weeks now. Plyometrics make for a great HIIT when the treadmill get boring. I also try to do one Crossfit w/o a week to shake things up. I just go through and select one that I have the equipment for.
On Sunday I go for a long run when dh is home sleeping.
I just live too far from gyms. This way I know it will get done. I have no excuse.
Anyways karate sounds more fun than hanging out at the gym. Good luck.
My husband recently put a TV w/ TiVo down in the garage so I could use the dusty treadmill so the thought to cancel my gym membership *has* crossed my mind. 10 pound dumbbells are my heaviest here at home and I want to buy a couple of heavier sets. Maybe one day I will get confident enough to motivate myself at home to workout
Can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Please keep us posted.
We’ve had our gym in our garage for almost two years now. I love that it is near by, but I do find that I make excuses easily. One thing that I do to keep things “new” is I actually take my fitness magazines out there and do the workouts. It does introduce some new moves and the routines are usually more challenging to actually do than just to read. Whenever I read them I think, yeah I already do those, or my favorite, these are too easy. When I do them in the order and the right amount of sets they are definately funner than I think while reading. Sorry I’ve rambled, but there’s my two cents.
oh yeah, can you put together a hula hoop routine? I would love to know what to do!!!
What an inspiration you are! I just cancelled my gym membership too…times are tough, and we’re always looking for ways to save $. I have the cardio taken care of….I run outdoors 2-3 times a week (just ran my 1st 1/2 marathon yay!) and do videos inside other days or to combat boredom. I agree that Netflix is awesome for trying out new videos before committing to purchasing, or just for variety. Oh, I also figure skate…..lol! You should try it…it’s great fun and once you get the hang of it burns big time calories….keep it on your list!! ;o)
Now it’s time to build the strength training part of my home gym. I’m scoping out Craig’s List for some used equipment that won’t break the bank. Any other tips for saving in this area?
Hello Kathy!!! Thank you. Yeah we are always looking for ways to save $$ as well. That AWESOME about you 1/2 marathon. I hope to do one of those one day but they make me a little nervous. I just imagine how much my legs would burn. When I’m lifting it burns but it’s only for few reps but a few miles I’m not sure I’m tough enough!!! Ha!!!!
I scoping Craigslist as well. I also plan to check the used sporting goods store. Do you have a freecycle in your town?? Google freecycle and your town’s name. I got a really nice commercial grade bench on there for free. It’s worth checking out. You can post wanted items and post offers (stuff you don’t need). It’s a great way to turn your “trash” into someone else’s “treasure”!if your town has one!!
Maybe someday I’ll give figure skating a try. I’m afraid I’d look like Sponge Bob on skates though!
Have a great day. Thanks for stopping by!!
Dena, Michelle, Brandy, and Jess thank you for the encouragment and ideas.
Jess – I’ll work on a hula hoop routine since I’m sooo “awesome” at it.