Ch-ch-ch changes!!!!
I just want to say I miss writing and MISS YOU. I feel like I’m long overdue for a coffee date with a good friend. Thank you so much for the encouragement last week. Things are going better. It’s been a week of changes for sure. We are starting to get settled in to our new place as much as we can. We are renting out our old house so the focus right now is getting it ready for the new tenants by their move in date next weekend. There is lots of painting, repairing, caulking, yard work, and cleaning to be done over there before we can spend much time organizing our stuff here at the new house.
Unfortunately, during the move our fish, Shark Bait Whohehaha, died. This made me terribly sad and I found myself sobbing in my husband’s arms over a goldfish after our “flushing ceremony”. Is this normal?
I’m not the only one who will miss Shark Bait.
We don’t yet have internet at our new place and won’t until next Tuesday. WITHDRAWAL. It actually has been a nice change of routine except I miss reading about your lives. It’s funny, I’ll be painting and find myself wondering what so and so has been up to even though I haven’t met the majority of you in person! I’ll be catching up soon!
There are good things too. Thing 1 and Thing 2 were complaining about working and wanting to go “home” calling the new place “home” within hours.
Even if last week was a tough one, I mentioned I am hopefully looking to new horizons. I’ve always found that when things feel really dark that God always lets in some light, often times, in unexpected ways. I got a part time job. I feel so grown up. I’m going back to my old gym but this time as a trainer. I’ve been hired to help roll out and grow a new fitness program at a privately owned gym. They have removed a lot of the machines and replaced that section with barbells, KETTLEBELLS, medicine balls, rollers, rowers, and TRXs. The program is going to be focused on getting people off the hamster wheels machines and using their bodies in a more functional ways. It’s so exciting to see a bigger gym making changes that are for the benefit of their members and I’m super EXCITED to be a part of it!!! I teach my first class next week.
Well I need to get to bed. I have another tournament this weekend and I think MMA Mama will be there as well as another girl who is really really good. The two tournaments where I didn’t win in sparring, I was beat by those two girls so I should get some rest. Not that I want to win or anything. 😉 Not only that but I’m using up Brent’s allotted data on his phone.
I hope you are doing well. I’m looking forward to getting MY INTERNET BACK back into a routine and catching up!
What have you been up to? Have you ever cried over a fish? Any major changes in your lives?
Hugs and High Fives,
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Major life changes can be difficult, but I am really glad you’re staying strong. The difficulties are only short term and before you know it, you’ll be settled in, in no time!
Also, I have cried over fish. And many other little pets. You are so not alone in that regard <3 Best of luck! (I wish I had more encouraging words to offer!)
Good luck with everything! Sounds like you’ve got quite a full plate.
I can relate to crying over a fish. No matter how big or small, pets become a connected part of your family. Sounds like you are busy, busy, busy … have fun at your tourny and the gym job sounds right up your alley
Lots of love being sent your way!
YAY I was so excited that you blogged! I kept wondering what you were doing and if all was well. Glad things are better though I’m really sorry about Shark Bait. I didn’t cry when our fish Bobo died but I did blame The Lover b/c he didn’t listen to me in the first place and that’s how Bobo died! Maybe I was more upset on Big Boy’s behalf b/c it was his fish.
I want to relate to crying over a fish. Really, I do. But there is just some disconnection in me from dog/cat to smaller animal. It all becomes hamsterish. I’m not at all trying to be cold- I think you have a very tender heart and I admire it! I do try to save worms from frying on the sidewalks. Doest that count? Poor Meow Cow…
I think you are the perfect gal for the trainer job! Dark seasons are hard. Walk towards the light…
Big hugs, Jenn. I’m super excited for you, the gym job sounds fantastic. I wish I could come train with you!
So glad that you are feeling better! I’ve been thinking of you (even though we’ve never met in “real” life!). The job sounds exciting! Enjoy it!
Yay!!! Congrats on the new job, that is so exciting and sounds like such a great fit with your interests!
Perhaps I should make a trip over to this gym because I would love to train with you!
Good luck getting the house ready, glad that all family hands are on deck!
Good luck in your tourney!! And so sorry to hear about Sharkbite:(
completely understand the sorrow over your fish. Our beloved goldfish Pukie was killed by a little girl who over fed him last week . not only did I cry but I’m still fuming about it. He was with us for 3 years and was quite the survivor . Wed rescue him out of an inch of muck water at the bottom of outdoor fish pond . he was all black and tiny but turned orange and got huge over the years . RIP Pukie.
I’m so sorry about Sharkbait!
And CONGRATULATIONS on the new job!!!! How exciting!
Take care.
honey I cry every day about something, I’m 38 weeks pregnant : ) Monday it all came to a head when I got lost in a parking lot with Baker and two huge Container Store bags for 20 minutes. I’m still crying about that one. So glad you came to the shower, hope to hang out for reals soon.
Sorry jenn! I feel like Im SO late on this post!
I was on jury duty this week which was a mess, but thankfully, I got excuse (note, it helps to tear up in front of the judge). Good luck on all the tournaments, and I hope you blog soon!
I thought I commented on this post, but perhaps it was just in my mind
HUGS- I know that Shark Bait was part of your family, so of course you would feel emotional about it. He lived a good life with you guys. My good friend in Ventura just had her 20 yr old cat pass away DAYS before they moved. Somehow I think animals can sense when it’s best to move on to the next adventure.
Thanks Debs. That’s sad about your friends cat although how wonderful he lived so long! I will rejoice if MC lives to 20!!!! I absolutely think you are right about animals sensing certain mysteries of life. xoxo
Wow, her hair looks so cool! If middle-aged women wear blue, pink or ppurle streaks this can sometimes look tasteless (like they are trying to hard to look young), but in her case it just looks cool. Maybe it’s the fact that she kept the rest of the hair grey, I don’t know.