Girl Hero Mom
10 Reasons I’m Thankful for My Mom
2. Mad grandma skillz. My children adore her and Brent and I never worry about them when they are with her. We even left them with her for 3 weeks when we had to travel to the other side of the world for work. She’s that awesome.
3. Loves my dad. LOVES. HIM. When I decided to get married I knew I would never settle for anything less than the love they share for each other and I will forever be grateful for the example they set.

4. Spontaneous and full of adventure. “Plans” have always been optional and because of that she and my dad have created quite a treasure chest of memories. From a last minute decision to go to Switzerland for the weekend because they got crazy cheap airline tickets or a sudden change of route from Gulf Shores, Alabama to Key West, Florida with a van full of kids, she always allows room for adventure.

5. Love for animals and nature. Hiking, camping, and sunsets. She always made sure we were surrounded by nature and we always had a houseful of furry family members. She even let me keep two pet rats in my room when I was in high school. Nuff said.

6. Kind. She would give an old lady at a nursing home the same respect and attention as she would a celebrity.
7. Work ethic. I’ve met very few people who work as hard as she does. From “bushhoggin'” the woods next to her house to chasing after 4 grandchildren under the age of 4 she gives every thing 100% of her effort. Oh and she is just as good with a hammer as she is with a sewing machine.
8. Creativity. Fun little poems, pictures that capture moments that matter, homemade crib sets, and lovely landscaping. My mom’s life is speckled with creativity and beauty.
9. Simplicity. Her simple faith and way of looking at the world is refreshing especially next to my turbulent and highly analytical nature.
10. Forgiving. Life has thrown some “doozies”, as we say in Indiana, but I’ve never known her to hold a grudge towards anything or anyone.

Friends, I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. If you pray, would you lift up a prayer for my mom?
Lastly, I hope you know how thankful I am for your readership.
Hugs and High Fives,
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Jenn, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I’m thinking of you. Your strength is really shining through in this post though, and I can see where you get it from!
What a touching post you wrote for your mother. The “C” word is always scary, but caught early and knowing the power of our mighty God, I have true faith that things will work out exactly like they should!
Miss you friend!
I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. But very thankful the prognosis is good. Both my grandmas had and beat breast cancer. Prayers your way!
What an amazing post. (and that last picture is HOT!)
Your mom will be in my prayers! What a beautiful post you wrote up about such a special lady. She is gorgeous just like YOU!
What a beautiful tribute. Your mom, you, and your family are in my thoughts!
You and your mom are in my prayers.
Beautiful post!
I will think nothing but positive thoughts and send lots of love your way. A lot of this is approach and energy, besides the medical stuff. Wishing for the best possible outcome for your mom and your family.
Words cannot express my thoughts on reading this. Dad and I read it together. I wish I was good at words like you but I am not so I will just say thank you and I love you so much. God blessed me big when He gave YOU to me !!! xoxo P.S. Yes, Martha that tank picture is totally hot….lol
Darn right it’s hot!!
Much love, strength & prayers headed your way mom hero!
i am definitely gathering up some prayer power for your mom right now.
I love this post more than anything you’ve ever written. Your mom sounds like an amazing person and the fact that she comments on your blog only makes me love her more!
Wonderful post. Praying for your mom! ♥
Oh Jenn, I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. She has such a strong and beautiful spirit I know that she is going to beat this! I have always thought your mom was great, she always treated your friends with respect. The one thing I always remember about her is her infectious laugh! My prayers are with you, your mom, and your entire family.
That *was* a beautiful post and I could relate so much as my mom and I are super close as well. You mom will be in my prayers … xoxo
So personal, so lovely.
Prayers for her. Prayers for you.
(a smile and a hug)
Oh gosh, this list made me cry—very beautifully written and I love your positive outlook. Sending positive vibes her way!!
PS–You are her mini me!
My mom just went thru and GOT thru breast cancer in the last year. I have 2 teenage girls and can only hope that they will have such love for me that you have for you mom.
I’m here for you as you’ve been there for me. Prayers, hugs, you name it for all of you. She’ll do great with your support.
Jenn, this post is beautiful and of course you & your family are in my prayers.
What a beautiful post, Jenn! I’m so glad that the prognosis for your mom is so great – I know you and your family are celebrating!
PS> Did you hit the TUlle sale yet? I did. Joy. (I bought your red white & blue print dress – now we’re officially internet twins!)
You and your mother are TWINS. I’m so glad all looks great and love your positive outlook. My thoughts are with your family. And I love your dad’s pony!
What a touching post.
Your Mom is in my thoughts and prayers and I am very happy to hear that treatment is looking good!
my mom has had breast cancer(double mastectomy) and my husband has had lymphoma(the good kind…if there is a good kind). Both were caught early and responded very well to treatment. Be sad and mad and sad and whatever you want during this time. it is scary but will make you stronger!! hugs!