31 Days to a Better Body: Day 16 – Posture
Benefits of Good Posture
– Instantly slimming.
– More confidence.
– Less aches and pains.
– Less stress on joints and ligaments.
– Less fatigue because your muscles are being used more efficiently.
– Improved circulation.
– Breath better.
– Stronger Core. (Simply standing up straight engages your core muscles.)
– Clothes look better. Just look at Meow Cow!
What is Good Posture?
– Good posture honors the natural curvature of the spine. It’s not “stick straight”.
– Weight should be evenly distributed on both feet.
– Shoulders are down and back.
– Chest is what I would call “open”. It’s not “puffed out”.
– Relaxed knees
– Head is relaxed and neutral without a tilt.
– Abdomen is held in and up. A Pilates teacher once told me to think about zipping my abs to my spine from bottom to top.
For some people pulling back the shoulders is easier said than done. People who sit at a computer all day mighty especially find standing up straight to be problematic. Many times, the hunching is the result of tight pectorals and/or a weak back and strong chest. The stronger tighter chest muscles pull the shoulders forward. Kinda like tug-o-war on your shoulders between your back and chest. Making an effort to strengthen the back and remembering to stretch the chest muscles can makes it easier to, as our mamas said, “stand up straight”.
Take it from Meow Cow. Good posture is worth the effort!
Hugs and High Fives,
Check out our family’s adventures at New School Nomads as we plan to take a year long road trip through the United States!
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I remember taking one of my first yoga classes and the teacher came up to me afterwards and told me I have a “swayback”. I stand naturally with my lower stomach sticking out and my lower back arched. I can’t imagine what this must look like, but I’m sure it isnt pretty.
I work on it when I remember. Which isn’t all that often.
Hahah – just reading your title made me immediately snap to attention! This is something I really need to work on. I am always rounded through the shoulders and I think – seriously – that it has to do with how much muscle I’ve built there over the past few years. I need to work my upper back more I think.
I’m always working on my posture… Thanks for the reminder! Being mindful really helps!
Plus, my yoga and barre classes have been really helping.
So true…so true…so true. I had horrible posture and it contributed to needing spinal fusion at 26. Now I’m really careful to keep my back straight and sit up or it strains everything.
Whoa! That’s intense and a very good reminder to stand up straight. Sorry to hear about your sugary but thank you for sharing!