MMA Mama vs. (Scaredy Cat) Me
Years ago I made a “family bucket list”, things I wanted to do as a family before my Thing 1 and 2, leave home. One of the things I wrote down was family martial arts. A little over a year and a half ago I cancelled my gym membership and we started studying taekwondo as a family. We didn’t begin intending of competing but a week and a half ago we did just that. Thing One, Thing 2, and I all competed in our first regional taekwondo tournament. Here are some pictures.
Warming Up.
“Dude, who needs a warm up? Mom’s crazy.”
Thing 1 is pretty shy and very sensitive.
While we waiting for his turn to compete I started to freak out worry that sparring other kids in front of an audience might scar him for life upset him so I told him he didn’t have to spar if he didn’t want to. I’m glad he didn’t listen to me because he took 2nd place and more importantly kept a good attitude while facing his nerves.
His last match was really exciting. He was ahead by 4 points. Then the other kids scored and they were tied. In the end the other kid scored and won by one point.
Thing 2 loves to spar and got a 3rd place. He also got a 3rd place in weapons.
I also competed in forms (a memorized routine) and sparring.
Check out the intensity. It’s okay, you can laugh. I am.
I won my first 2 matches. The first girl I sparred was really good even though she had little control over her punches. This is NOT boxing, people. It’s taekwondo. We are supposed to have CONTROL. Yeesh! She might have beat me had she not punched me in the face (not allowed) THREE times and got a penalty called.
For my third match I had to spar a girl who I’ll refer to as MMA mama. (Come to find she does or has done MMA.) She’s very intense. I had watched her in her first two matches and I was praying for my life hoping I wouldn’t have to spar her.
No such luck.
MMA Mama and Scaredy Cat Me
“Sparrrrr!” That’s what they call out to start the match.
She was punching HARD. Never mind you get a point for just TAPPING someone on an area that counts.
(Brief scoring lesson: 1 point for a punch or kick to the chest, 2 points for a kick to the head, 3 points for a jump kick to the head.)
She scored 3 points on me right away. I was a little thrown but then I collected myself and started to really focus on my defense. I scored 2 points on her and then “TIME” was called so she ended up winning by 1 point and took first while I took 2nd. I also took 2nd in forms. There were 10 women in our ring and I left happy because, after all, it’s just for fun!
Afterwards, we went out for dinner afterward where I ate one of my favorites, ceviche. I didn’t take a picture because I’m an awesome food blogger like that but trust me it was GOOD.
Here is me and my crew with our medals*.
*Note – I did not wear my medal out to dinner. That would be ridiculous. Brent insisted I put it on in the parking lot. I felt (almost) equally as ridiculous.
Hugs and High Fives,
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Super cool!
Curious…do you always wear pads, helmets etc for competition
Yes. Always. That’s ONE of the differences between MMA and taekwondo. (Ahem…MMA Mama.) We have another tournament in September here in town. Maybe you can come!
ah i love that you are so active with your boys!
also, i LOVED that hiking post i read yesterday.
One of my goals is to try MMA! Our CEO swears it is AWESOME. And seriously, after I ran my 2 half marys, I TOTALLY wore my medals to breakfast. Teehee.
Love that you wore your medals to breakfast! He he!!
I would be way to scared to do MMA! I hate getting hurt and need all the pads and strict rules for my peace of mind. I don’t doubt that MMA is a KILLER workout and that you would rock it.
awesome!!!! you family rocks!
You are like the best mama ever!! I don’t know that I’ll ever be this involved with my boy in the future, but this post really motivates me to. I know you must be such a hero to your boys!!
It’s fun to be able to do this with them. My husband does it too but he isn’t going to compete. You are going to have so much fun with your boy!!! xoxo
What a great idea to do a family long-term plan and then stick to it! Amazing!
how fun!
You’re officially awesome! That’s such a fun family activity, and it’s obviously something you all love.
I actually used to do Tae Kwon Do (WAY back in the day – I think I was ten or eleven). I was a second degree black belt though! Nobody believes me when I tell them because I’m a fairly little lady and it doesn’t really look like I can stick up for myself…but I know I can! Love it
Or officially clueless!
That is so awesome you used to do taekwondo!
thanks for sharing your great pics and so happy your family is having all this fun together!
This might be my favorite Jenn post ever. I love that you do Taekwondo! And that you wore your medal in the photo (I would have worn it to dinner). And that you got 2nd~!!!!! And that you aren’t MMA Mama.
He he!!! You crack me up! I have no doubt you would have worn it to dinner!
Congratulations to all of you for doing so amazingly well!
I love the pic with all the medals. You and the boys look so cute!
You totally should have worn your medal to dinner! You earned it!! Love your boys – you all are such a sweet family:)
That sounds like such a fun thing to do with your kids! And I hope your face is okay. How mean!
I love your medal! and what a great idea – a family bucket LIST and actually doing it:) You go girl!
Two words: Bad Azz.
Or maybe just one – clueless! He he!! xoxo
Thats so awesome! What a great idea. By the way, those bangs are rockin’ on you!!
So awesome. I love the fact that you have a list of things to do with your kiddos and this is a great one. Rock on.