How long until I see results?
A month ago, I started lifting weights, eating 5 meals, and doing HIIT. I think I’ve gotten the hang of the entire combination, I feel great, I feel stronger, I’ve increased weights, etc. I’m even enjoying it! But when do you start to see results?
I’m so happy to hear you have found a great plan and one you enjoy. Yay!!!!!! Keep it up!
“When will I see results?” I think this is the biggest question we all have when we start a new plan. It was mine. I also know in the past I’d give up because I wasn’t seeing them fast enough. Two changes..I quit. I wish I had the exact answer to this question. Everybody’s body is different so people see results at different rates. Generally speaking, if you are challenging yourself every workout and your nutrition is spot on you should start to see some small changes around 3-6 weeks. Most people can see major changes between 12-16 weeks if they are consistent with a challenging plan. My advice, to anyone anxiously waiting to see changes, would be stay consistent and be patient. Take pictures and measurements. If you are lifting you will most likely not see huge changes in the scale and can easily get discouraged. I remember not seeing or feeling like I had changed until I saw the pictures and could compare. When I’d get down on myself I’d look at my pictures to remind myself of where I had come from. I’d suggest taking pictures every 4-6 weeks. A lot of times the results are there we just don’t see them when we look in the mirror. Measurements help too. My first photos are about 2 months apart and the rest of them are each about 4 weeks apart. You can see with time that the changes are still happening just not as obvious.
Wherever you are in your program don’t give up. If it’s been 6 weeks or more and you are not seeing any changes in your pictures (don’t trust your memory) then maybe it’s time to ask yourself some questions. Are you really pushing yourself during your workouts? Is your nutrition as good as it could be? If it’s only been a few weeks then keep being consistent and give yourself some more time.
I’d love to hear back from any of you. How long before you started seeing changes. Do you track your progress. If so do you prefer pictures, measurements, BF%, or (whispered) the scale?
Have a great weekend.
I have always started seeing results at week 8. For some reason it is just like “BAM” I see it clearly now!
I definetly prefer pictures, measurements and BF %, although BF % can be off depending on how you get tested. But definitely pictures and measurements. HHHMMMMMM….the scale, what a bad word. I would like to say I don’t become victim to the scale, but then I would be lying. As long as I am doing what I am supposed with nutrition and working out, the scale does not bother me because I know that muscle weighs more than fat…it is when I am in my down times that I need to get rid of that horrible thing.
Goodness, seeing results? For me they just seem to sneak up on me. Now that I am almost near my goal weight, when I am eating clean and working out hard on a regular basis though they can come almost daily: a little muscle pop here, new definition there etc. It motivates me to get my behind out of bed in the morning so I can see if anything new has appeared overnight lol
I measure my waist every few months but that’s it. I wish I wasn’t such a slave to the scale because I know it doesn’t always reflect what is really going on. Also, I took pics in December and will take some again in June. I am starting a 12 week program (a modified version of Body for Life for Women) this week so maybe they will be in May (when I finish) instead?
Thanks for the response and the post Jenn! It really helped a lot.
Tiffany – Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I’ve heard a lot of women see changes at 8 weeks. Thanks for reminding us!!!
Michelle – Good luck on your 12 week program. Let us know how it goes!!!
Shannon – You’re welcome. I’m glad it helped. Thanks for stopping by.
“I feel great, I feel stronger, I’ve increased weights, etc. I’m even enjoying it” Quote from question above….
Sounds like she answered her own question–feels great, stronger, inc. weights, enjoying it.
If these aren’t results, I don’t know what are! Sometimes we don’t realize that even small changes like these ARE results. I agree with everyone…consistency and persistance are the keys to seeing major body changes. One day at a time.
You make a GREAT point. Thank you for such an insightful comment!
I started lifting weights three weeks ago. I don’t really see any results from it, but I didn’t take photos to compare. My pants are fitting just a little bit better, so there must be some changes, even though I don’t see them. My mother has remarked that I’m really starting to get an hourglass figure, but I think she’s just trying to flatter me even though she tells me she’s really being sincere.
However, I have noticed a lot of muscle growth, even though it isn’t visible. I’m more concerned about losing fat, but I’m sure that’ll come with time. For me, it’s really hard to change my diet, so I try to limit myself each day as best I can. I haven’t really made any diet changes, so I know my results are going to be slower than they are for others. But I do know I will get results in time. I’m a LOT more active than I used to be. I used to just sit in front of the computer all day. Now I hit the gym three times a week.
Hi Jessie,
Thanks for sharing your experience. IHMO the pants are the best indicators of change.
I really love how honest you are with yourself. I agree there is nothing wrong with taking time with reaching your goals! Congratulations for taking the first steps in your lifestyle change.