Fluffy Friday: Flight PG-13
“Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened…”
I listened to the pilot’s voice over the intercom and double checked my seatbelt even though I hadn’t unbuckled it once the entire duration of the flight from Texas to California. Not even with an empty seat next to me where I lied to myself saying I was comfortable curled up with my son for a little inflight nap. You never know when when turbulence might hit turning us into human popcorn in the cabin. I started to shut my eyes when I noticed a girl with Crayola red hair, wearing a white tank top and a rosary reminiscent of Maddona’s “Like a Virgin” days, walk down the aisle. She looked a little out of it but still….didn’t she hear the captain? We are starting our descent. I wanted to stand up and frantically tap to the glowing seatbelt sign.
Crayola disappeared into the bathroom as we were getting ready to land. Why didn’t the flight attendant stop her? I waited and watched the lights of Burbank grow brighter thinking about Crayola the entire time. She was still in the bathroom. I kept turning my head to see if the little light above the door has switched from red to green. Why is she still in there? What if there is turbulence? Does she know we are about to land? What if it’s a bumpy landing? Does she have diarrhea? Will she fall off the toilet? Is she sitting on the toilet? Doesn’t she know we are about TO LAND!!! I sat in my seat worrying about her in the bathroom. Then I began to worry about why I was so worried about her. Finally, Crayola emerged from the bathroom.
Without her shirt.
Crayola slowly stumbled to her seat wearing a leopard print bra with her white tank top wadded in her hand. Passengers looked at her shocked and then quickly turned their heads. According to the flight attendant, she had puked on herself after drinking too much and apparently didn’t want to wear a soiled shirt.
My first thought was shock. What are my kids thinking? This flight is supposed to be G-rated. My second thought was, “Where did she get that cute leopard print bra?” My thoughts were interrupted by the rush of the wheels hitting the ground and a sudden lurch as the pilot slammed on the breaks. (Can you slam on the breaks of an airplane?) I forgot about Crayola and prepared to die. Then the plane stopped and I realized I was still alive along with Crayola and the other passengers. (The flight attendant told me later that the landing was “rough” landing and the pilot must have overestimated the short runway.)
I looked up and saw Crayola standing in the middle of the aisle. The surrounding passengers except the creepy one with the camera phone turned their heads either uncomfortable or trying to give her some privacy.
Since we were in the back of the plane we were the last to exit. Well, almost last. As we walked off, I saw Crayola huddled in the front row with a flight attendant who had given her a sweater. Then, I began to worry about how she was going to get home.
Welcome to LA.
What do you think of Crayola’s choice to disrobe on the airplane? Lacks class or an act of courage? A sign of confidence or lack of self respect? Would it have been different if she had been a man? What would you have done if you had puked all over yourself on the plane? What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever seen on a flight? What do you think about taking pictures of strangers and then posting them on the internet?
Hugs and High Fives,
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Ah that’s crazy! I’ll give her some kudos for being that comfortable in her own skin, but IDK if I’d have done that on an airplane…
I thought it was cool she was comfortable in her own skin too. Although, I don’t think I would have done the same thing because I wouldn’t want to make others uncomfortable or people to take pictures of me.
Wow, what a bizarre lady!
I find myself worrying about others often and always have to stop and ask myself why I care so much. In your case, you have kids – so being sensitive to the fact that someone is dressed like that around them completely makes sense.
My thoughts on her attire and the need to be topless – inappropriate. One, don’t drink lady, its just a flight and I never understood the option of alcohol on the plane in the first place. Second, I am an old fashioned lady when it comes to modesty, keep it covered up folks, its just the polite thing to do. I know I am probably the only twenty-something that will say this, but folks just show wayyyyyy too much these days. I tend to bring layers on planes, so luckily would have had options.
Oh I just judge this leopard lady so much right now. See what I mean, I spiral into crazy judgement.
I appreciate your honesty, Monica. Like you said, as a 20-something (you not me..he he!), I think it also takes courage to share your opinion and risk sounding judgmental. There is a fine line between opinions and judgements. I honestly, don’t find your comment judgmental. It sounds to me you are sharing what you are comfortable with and from the looks of the other passengers they are uncomfortable with so much skin in that context.
I tend to be a rule follower so I was so worried that she was in the bathroom when the pilot told us to sit down and buckle up!
I really want a leopard print bra now. But I won’t be showing it off to a plane full of strangers. Unless, you know…I don’t know what I’d do if I puked on myself. When I was in high school, I went to France and spilled orange Tang all over my white linen pants. I changed in the seat with a blanket on my lap. I was only 16 and it seemed logical at the time.
I know I want a leopard print bra too!
I don’t know; I’m guessing it wasn’t too much more revealing than some of the bathing suits that people wear (or was it?). Given the choice between that and wearing a shirt with barf all over it I don’t see it as being that unreasonable. I guess she could have asked for or tried to grab a blanket (if they were available) before walking back to her seat, but it sounds like she maybe just didn’t think of it.
Yes, you make a good point. No it wasn’t anymore revealing than a bathing suit. I always appreciate your comments and thoughts, Jared. Did you hear about the girl who went through TSA security check wearing a bikini? Different motives but same context. She got a lot of press.
My first thought was if I would have had an extra shirt on (tank top, or t-shirt, men or women) give it to her. I would have asked for a blanket. Stewards could have lended her an apron…I feel sorry for her. Now about the pilot …seems his “rough landing” flying skills are more to worry about then Crayola’s cute bra….love her name you gave her !
You make a good point. The back airline attendant wasn’t very helpful and I thought she should have been more helpful. I also felt sorry for her.
I’ve really enjoyed reading this blog but not this post. I like your positivity but this feels really negative and judgmental.
Some people have rough days, weeks, lives. Shaming them isn’t helpful. And kids aren’t going to die if they actually witness real life.
And would it have been different if you had been a man and taken a picture of her and then put it up on the internet to pass judgement?
Thank you for your honest comment.
I absolutely agree that people have rough days, weeks, and lives which is why I said I was worried about her. I was being sincere. I tried to remain neutral in sharing the story as I don’t really know how I feel about her choice. It was meant to be a joke about the flight being G-rated. If I was really worried about my kids seeing her then I wouldn’t have taken a picture of her in front of them.
If I had any hesitations about this it would be this: to take a picture and then post it. It does somewhat feel like I’m laughing (which the post is meant to be entertaining not judgemental) at her expense. That I will own but I wasn’t intending to judge her harshly or shame her. Since her face isn’t being shown I decided it was okay to post. Although I can see where people would disagree. I don’t *think* it would have been different if I had been a man and posting it for a laugh. Although being a girl maybe I can “get away” with it more easily. However, while I wanted to be entertaining, that wasn’t my sole intent. I do think there are some valid questions that this incident brings up such as does clothing and “context” make a difference? Are women still held to unfair standards? Camera phones and privacy? Was it an act of courage or lack of self-respect? I just don’t know how I feel about all of it.
Thanks again for your honest reply. Truly. I appreciate it.
I don’t see any judgement in this post – just asking some questions about an awkward situation. This could be influenced by knowing Jenn outside the context of the blog, but if anything, I’d say that it seemed Jenn was honestly concerned about her.
As for the picture, it doesn’t show her face or anything else that could be considered embarrassing or personally identifiable (other than perhaps the hair, but even then it would be a stretch without a lot more detail), so I think that it provided interesting additional info about the situation without hurting anyone or having any negative implications. At worst, it was a little creepy, but Jenn already acknowledged that
I was writing my comment at the exact same time you were.
You’re right I truly wasn’t intending to judge or shame her. Maybe I had some fun at her expense but I really didn’t want it to come across as mean spirited.
At least she was skinny enough to wear just a bra!
You know, that was my thought precisely…rather than how it would’ve been different if she were a man (clearly it would have–though he may have gotten some glances, I doubt anyone would’ve deemed it offensive), I was contemplating how it would’ve been different if she were heavy. You speak of discomfort…!
Oh, very interesting. I wonder if it would have been different.
ahahaha what the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love your story telling even more than i love the story. you’re the best.
I want to have the name Crayola and I really want a
leopard print bra !!!!!I’m old but young at heart !!! Isn’t that what old people say about themselves? !!!!! hmmmmm…….I’ve had a really bad day and this just peps me up. Gram
I think Crayola would be a lovely name too! Sorry you had a bad day. (((hugs)))
OK, many things to say: first. I have a leopard bra. Not with the cute back strappy action as hers, but still. so yay.
Second. Decades ago, I was the girl barfing in the bathroom on the was back from Mexico with the stewardess (that’s what they were called back then) banging on the door as we were about to land within literally minutes. THankfully I did not barf on myself, but I can’t even tell you how awful it was. And it wasn’t from drinking on the plane, it was from the night before. Let’s just say I didn’t touch tequila for about a decade. So I feel for her through and through.
As to whether her choice was sound to toss the barfed upon clothing, I’d say yes. And that it was showing more self respect by not walking out covered in barf. Or self-preservation. I’d also say that it would have been wise to ask for some help- for a blanket as someone else said. But if she was wasted at the time, she obviously didn’t think of it. And I’d say she has a healthy amount of self-assurance to wear just that little (adorable!) bra in public.
I love that you called her Crayola and that you were genuinely concerned for her.
RE. the cell phone photo…ya know, I don’t think it’s horrible- and I didn’t see that as you laughing at her honestly. I thought that it was more as the basis of this debate that you took the photo. Unless you get some irate comment from someone who would happen to know her, then I think that the chances of it harming her in any way are pretty slim.
Very interesting post! And honestly really not at all fluffy!
I was genuinely worried for her and while I’ve never been sick on a plane I know how it feels to have drank too much. It’s awful. I can only imagine how horrible it would be to feel that way in a tiny airplane bathroom. Although I didn’t know until after she came out sans shirt that she had been sick. I just thought she was ignoring the captain. Oh the horror of breaking the rules. 😀
I’m glad I didn’t come across to you as laughing at her. While I did think it was sort of funny, I didn’t want to come across as ridiculing or anything.
Oh and you’re right it’s really not fluffy.
I’m laughing at Deb’s response more than that poor girl’s situation. Unfortunately, I do not yet own a leopard bra and now I’m not sure I could own one knowing this story.
Thanks for ruining a perfectly good bra purchase, Crayola.
I have this weird thing (empathy?) where I’m very porous to what’s going on around me. Chris will be totally oblivious, and I’ll have picked up everything about everyone in the general vicinity. It’s pretty annoying actually. That’s why I usually try to hide in a book and tune everyone out.
Wow you must have a super strong sense of intuition or something. There was movie once about a guy who knew stuff about people when he touched them. It was directed by M. Night. Shyamalan…I think. Maybe you would like it or maybe it would be too freaky!
I love all the comments. When my mom and I talked about this I brought up how I was puked on by my 2 yr old a couple of months ago on a fully booked flight. Luckily I had a lot of sympathetic looks and an extra set of clothing. Otherwise there would’ve been a lot of uncomfortable people as I was 8 months preggo! I know you were VERY concerned about her while the seat belt light was on. While I was sitting in kid puke I still didn’t get out of my seat until the attendant came because the seat belt light was on.
Yeah…so you KNOW how I was feeling….something must have been really wrong why else would she have been breaking “THE RULES”. 😉
I absolutely love that you snapped a photo of her b/c I would have not believed this story. I’ve been girl puking on a plane before (from the previous night of fun and it wasn’t enjoyable at all) so I feel her pain but thank god I didn’t puke on my shirt. I am sure no one would want to see me in my bra with my chubby tummy.
Anywho, if I had one, I would’ve given her an extra shirt or something to put over herself (do they not have those cheat blankets at least?) but props to her for rocking it, leopard print bras are the best!
First of all, your blog was hilarious. Crayola is an idiot. nuff said.
I’m glad it make you laugh. She was something that’s for sure.
High 5 to Crayola! Though I wouldn’t do it myself b/c I’m not that confidant/drunk, she had balls.
He he!!!! I knew that would be your response!!! 😀 xoxo
I liked this post! It’s one of those situations where you ask yourself, “Is this really happening? And why?” I love those scenarios
As for Burbank airport we never fly out of there anymore due to the short runways and every time we land it seems like the plane is braking for dear life! In fact, Aaron’s family all live in Burbank and his aunt has told us that a few times the planes have actually gone through the end of the runway and ended up on the street that goes by the airport. That’s enough for me to drive a little extra distance to LAX!
Whoa! I didn’t know that about Burbank. We’ve flown out of there a few times and never had that happen quite like it did. Yeah, it totally felt like the plane was braking for dear life! I’m going to consider LAX next time. Yeesh. I was so scared I think I may have lost a year or two.
My favorite part about this pic is how hard everyone is working to not look at her. They are clearly more embarrassed than she is! I would not, even if it were barf covered, take off my shirt on a plane. But then I wear really boring bras…
if it was an option of wearing something covered in vomit, or wearing a bra – i’d try to wash the shirt in the bathroom sink if i could and wear it wet. if i couldn’t – bra it is!
I are hunting looking all around for this kind of details. Will you publish some much more in long run?
Wow. I read that & laughed. Then, I read it again & laughed even harder. I needed a good laugh to end this crappy day! Thanks. [=
Wonderful article! That is the type of information that are
meant to be shared across the internet. Shame on Google for no longer positioning this post upper!
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